
  • 网络Human Development Report;HDR
  1. 我带的镜头堆,并决定人类发展报告其中几项在一起。

    I took a heap of shots and decided to HDR a few of them together .

  2. 我爱人类发展报告的照片,大的工作。

    I love HDR photos , Great job .

  3. 联合国(un)《2003年人类发展报告》(humandevelopmentreport)显示,除美国迈阿密以外,多伦多市生于国外的居民数量,超过世界上其它任何城市。

    According to the 2003 United Nations human development report , Toronto has more residents born outside the country than any other city in the world , except Miami .

  4. 然而,正如今年联合国(UN)人类发展报告昨日所指出的,这并不反映全球层面的水资源短缺。

    However , as this year 's United Nations human development report yesterday pointed out , this does not reflect a global shortage .

  5. 这并不是说用收入衡量法不正确,不过用这种方法呈现出的画面要精细很多,联合国开发计划署《人类发展报告》办公室的比尔奥姆(BillOrme)表示。

    It 's not as if income measures do not have validity but this gives a much more fine-grained picture , says Bill Orme of the UNDP 's Human Development Report Office .

  6. 2005人类发展报告分析和启示

    An Analysis of 2005 Human Development Report and its Enlightenment

  7. 人类发展报告就出自这一项协议。

    From this agreement came The Human Development Report .

  8. 最新的人类发展报告警告这些目标是冒险的。

    The new human development report warns that the goals are at risk .

  9. 1996年人类发展报告

    Human Development Report 1996

  10. 20年来,联合国开发计划署一直在通过《人类发展报告》跟踪健康、教育和生活水平等指标的平均水平。

    UNDP , through its human development reports , has for 20 years been tracking an average of indicators of health , education and living standards .

  11. 联合国在最新的《人类发展报告》中表示:历史上从未有如此多人的生活条件和前景如此迅速地出现如此巨大的改变。

    Never in history have the living conditions and prospects of so many people changed so dramatically and so fast , concludes the UNs latest Development Report .

  12. 星期四在南非发表的2006年人类发展报告说,大多数死亡原因是由于脏水导致的腹泻和痢疾。

    The2006 human development report , released Thursday in South africa , says most of the deaths are caused by diarrhea and dysentery brought on by dirty water .

  13. 我的任务是做国家人类发展报告,它描述人类发展的现今状况及尤其著重在这方面可能的新技术。

    My task was to work on the National Human Development Report , which described the current situation of human development and especially focused on the potential of new technologies in this regard .

  14. 联合国开发计划署今年发表了第一个关于亚太地区人类发展的报告。

    The United Nations Development Program released their first-ever report on human development in the Asia-Pacific region this year .

  15. 联合国从1990年开始发布人类发展指数年度报告。

    The United Nations has published its human development index every year since 1990 .

  16. 去年的“人类发展指数”报告称,艾滋病对这一地区的人均预期寿命造成了“灾难性的影响”。

    Last year 's report said HIV / AIDS had had a " catastrophic effect " on life expectancy in the region .

  17. 该指数将取代人类贫困指数(HumanPovertyIndex,HPI)成为联合国开发计划署人类发展报告的主要指数。

    It will be featured in the upcoming UNDP Human Development Report , replacing the Human Poverty Index .