
rén ɡōnɡ hú
  • artificial lake
  • man-made lake
人工湖 [rén gōng hú]
  • [man-made lake] 人工修建的湖泊

  1. 基于DEM的工程土方量算法研究&以抚州市人工湖项目堤防工程土方量计算为例

    Earthwork Volume Algorithm Research Based on DEM & Take the Case of Fuzhou City Artificial Lake Project

  2. 人工湖建设项目LCA理论与应用研究

    Theoretical and Applied Research on Life Cycle Assessment for Artificial Lake

  3. 桂山是国家AAAA级景区,靠河源第一高喷,面对华南最大的人工湖万绿湖。

    Guishan 's national AAAA level scenic area , rely on the tallest gush , heyuan facing south China the largest artificial lake in the green lake .

  4. 国家森林公园人工湖现场渗透试验研究

    Research on Seepage Experiment of Man-made Lake in National Forest Park

  5. 浙江省人工湖景区的模糊评价与优化利用

    Fuzzy and Optimum Use on Reservoir Scenic Spot in Zhejiang Province

  6. 上海新天地北里及太平桥人工湖绿地落成。

    Completed Shanghai Xintiandi North block and Taipingqiao lake and park .

  7. 浅述湿陷性黄土地区建造人工湖的防渗施工

    Leaking proof construction of building man-made lake in collapsible loess area

  8. 人工湖生态设计方法研究

    Study on the Method of Ecological Design of Artificial Lake

  9. 上海金地格林风范城人工湖防渗技术

    Seepage prevention technology in man-made lake of Golden Green City , Shanghai

  10. 膨润土防水毯在大型人工湖的应用实例

    Application example of bentonite waterproof liner on huge artificial lake

  11. 南山公园人工湖整治改造工程的思考

    Consider on the repair reformation engineering of man-made lake in Nanshan park

  12. 浅谈人工湖的水质净化系统建设

    Discussions on water purification system construction of artificial lake

  13. 北京鸿华高尔夫球场人工湖富营养化及其成因的研究

    Study on Causes and Eutrophication in Artificial Lakes of Beijing Honghua Golf Course

  14. 他们将造一个供游乐用的人工湖。

    They would create a lake for recreation .

  15. 昆明某人工湖生态防渗及结构施工方案

    Some Artificial Lake Ecology Guards Against Infiltrates in Kunming and the Structure Construction Plan

  16. 里面有一个高尔夫球场和室内人工湖。

    There is a golf course inside as well as an indoor man-made lake .

  17. 那里是世界上最大的人工湖。

    the largest man-made lake in the world .

  18. 又见小鹿。这片草地的左侧是一个巨大的人工湖,可惜我没有照下来。

    There was a big man-made lake on the left side of this meadow .

  19. 砂土地基上人工湖防渗方案的技术分析与经济比较

    Technical Analysis and Economic Comparison of Seepage Prevention for Artificial Lake on Sand Foundation

  20. 就是这片人工湖啊。

    It is right this man-made lake .

  21. 浙江省人工湖环境压力缓解及其生态修复的研究

    Research of the Environmental Pressure Release of Reservoir in Zhejiang Province and Its Ecological Restoration

  22. 滹沱河石家庄市区段河道人工湖防渗技术研究

    Anti-Leakage Technology on Artificial Lake Riverway in the Urban Section of Hutuo River at Shijiazhuang

  23. 而且前面就是一个大的人工湖,再往前就是西山。

    And the front is a large artificial lake , and then back to Western .

  24. 绕着人工湖跑步的唯一好处在于水路是唯一的捷径,而你没法走捷径回家而不把脚弄湿。

    One advantage of jogging around a reservoir is that there 's no dry-shortcut home .

  25. 新疆平原湖泊(包括人工湖)水质盐化及其防治途径

    Water salinization of plain lakes ( including man-made lakes ) and its prevention and control in Xinjiang

  26. 人工湖成库初期水环境特征及保护措施成效研究

    Study on the Water Environment Characteristics and the Effectiveness of Protective Measures in an Incipient Artificial Lake

  27. 此外,您还能观赏到美丽的人工湖和两座中国式的亭子。

    You will also enjoy the beauty of the lovely man-made lake and the two Chinese pavilions .

  28. 靠内华达山脉的融雪补充水源的人工湖将被晒成硬邦邦的土质谷地,四周满是丑陋的污渍。

    Artificial lakes filled with Sierra snowmelt will become baked-mud valleys , surrounded by ugly bathtub rings .

  29. 校园内点缀着巧夺天工的人工湖。湖边的石凳,水面上摇曳的荷花,都让人心旷神怡,浮想联

    The campus is peppered with artificial ponds where stone benches and floating lotus blossoms inspire reflection .

  30. 它共有八个独立的建筑群,10座庙宇,数座冥思堂,还有教室、人工湖和公园等。

    It had eight separate compounds , 10 temples , meditation halls , classrooms , lakes and parks .