
rén zǎo
  • Pulex irritans
人蚤[rén zǎo]
  1. 人蚤灰旱獭株的鼠疫菌感染试验

    An Experimental Infection in Pulex irritans Grey Marmot Strain with Y. pestis

  2. 结论印鼠客蚤、人蚤和不等单蚤是隆林县鼠疫控制中的主要防治对象。

    Conclusion X.cheopis , Pulex irritans and Monopsyllus anisus are the targeted subjects for plague control in Longlin county .

  3. 新疆2株人蚤鼠疫菌栓形成能力的研究

    A Study on the Plague Mass Formation of 2 Flea Strains from Xinjiang

  4. 用鼠疫菌强毒株883号实现了对人蚤灰旱獭株的鼠疫苗感染,其感染率,雌性为58%,雄性为51%。

    Human flea Pulex Irritans grey marmot ( Marmota baibacina ) strain was experimentally infected with virulent Y. pestis 883 , with infection rates of 58 % for female and 51 % for male fleas .

  5. 人蚤和印鼠客蚤是云南盈江县黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫自然源地主要的地面游离蚤,分别占82.47%和10.29%,高峰季节分别在夏季和秋季。

    The Pulex irritans and Xenopsylla cheopis are the main fleas over the ground in plague natura foci of rattus flavipectus in Ying jiang county of Yunnan . They each take 82.47 % and 10.29 % and the peaked in summer and autumn season .

  6. 结果合浦县室内地面游离蚤有5种,人蚤占93.40%,为优势蚤种;年平均蚤指数为0.0536,以1~4月和11~12月为高峰期。

    Results There were 5 species of free flea on the indoor floor and Pulex irritans was predominant , accounted for 93.40 % , with an annual average flea index of 0.0536 . The peak months were from January to April and from November to December .