
  • 网络Parasitoids;parasitoid
  1. 这组科学家研究了气候如何影响拟寄生物。拟寄生物是诸如胡蜂和寄生蝇一类的昆虫,它们把卵产在毛虫体内,让孵化出的幼虫以宿主为食。

    The team looked at how climate affects parasitoids & insects such as wasps and flies that lay their eggs on or inside caterpillars , allowing the hatched larvae to feed on the host .

  2. 然而,英国伦敦帝国理工学院的FrankvanVee指出,拟寄生物不是唯一能够控制毛虫数量的因素。

    Frank van Veen of Imperial College , United Kingdom , points out , however , that parasitoids are not the only things that can control caterpillar numbers .

  3. 论文的另一位作者、美国新奥尔良Tulane大学的LeeDyer说,许多同样的拟寄生物也广泛分布于农田中。

    Many of the same parasitoids are also widespread in agricultural areas , says co-author Lee Dyer of Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , United States .

  4. 拟寄生物与寄主关系适合性的免疫学基础

    Relation . Immunological Basis for Compatibility in Parasitoid-Host Relationships

  5. 如果是这样,未曾预料的降雨可能会破坏拟寄生物“追踪”它们毛虫宿主的能力。

    If so , unpredictable rains might disrupt the parasitoids'ability to'track'their caterpillar hosts .

  6. 多物种寄主&拟寄生物系统相互作用的趋化模型分析

    Analysis of Chemotaxis Model for Multi-species Host-parasitoid Interactions

  7. 他们发现,在降雨量变化最大的年份里,入侵毛虫的拟寄生物显著减少。

    They found that the caterpillars had significantly fewer parasitoids in years when rainfall was most variable .

  8. 这可能是因为拟寄生物使用诸如当地气候的变动这样的信号,来确定产卵的最佳时间。

    This could be because the parasitoids use cues such as changes in local climate to determine the best time for laying their eggs .