
nǐ zhì xuè qīn
  • fictitious bloodline;fictional blood kinship;fictitious blood kinship
  1. 明确规定形成扶养关系的继父母子女关系是法律上的拟制血亲关系,但就其是否因再婚关系的消灭而解除,应视不同情况而定。

    Explicitly stipulate that the relation of the step parents and the step children forming maintenance relation between them is the legal fiction blood relative relations .

  2. 拟制血亲与宗族的血缘原则相悖,但是又以宗亲关系为模式向宗族靠拢;

    Fictitious blood relations were contradictory to the paternal clan system . Yet , paradoxically , they relied upon this system as a guarantee of their existence .

  3. 为了应对无后问题,民间社会普遍采用的办法是改变或虚拟彼此之间的血亲关系,招赘便是拟制血亲中的主要部分之一。

    For the folk society , in order to cope with the problem , people universally take method of changing or virtual consanguineous relation between each other .