
wài qīn
  • wife's or mothor's relatives;close in appearance
外亲 [wài qīn]
  • (1) [wife's or mothor's relatives]∶旧指家族中女性方面的亲属,如舅舅、外甥、姨母、外孙等

  • (2) [close in appearance]∶表面亲善

  1. 同一性风格发展的越成熟,在总体亲社会行为上得分越高。(4)四种同一性地位在外显亲社会各个维度上的得分差异均为显著。

    Identity style development is more mature , the higher the score on the pro-social behavior . ( 4 ) The four identity status explicit significant differences on pro-social behaviors .

  2. 本研究结合国内外有关亲社会行为以及动机的研究文献资料,在理论上把亲社会行为动机划分为趋向&回避型和互惠型,比较分析了亲社会行为与利他行为的概念。

    Based on the literature material of the prosocial behavior and motivation , the study describes the types of prosocial behavior motivation , such as tendence-escape type , reciprocal type , and tells the difference of the conceptions between the prosocial behavior and the altruism behavior .

  3. 将15日龄雏鸟移出巢外,观察了亲鸟的喂雏方式和系列动作。

    The feeding way and a series of action were studied by moving the 15-day nestlings from their nests .