
  • 网络foreign securities
  1. 发行之记名普通股股票未在外国证券市场挂牌交易。

    Any registered common shares that it issues must not have been previously listed on a foreign securities market .

  2. 发行人股票已于主管机关核定之任一外国证券交易所或证券市场上市者。

    The issuer 's stock is listed on a foreign securities exchange or securities market approved by the competent authority .

  3. 证券投资就是将资本投入外国证券市场。

    A portfolio investment is the investment of money in the securities of a foreign company .

  4. 在已有的文献中,对外国证券投资的研究多集中于某一方面。

    The existing literatures about foreign portfolio investment mainly research one aspect of foreign portfolio investment .

  5. 第六章对外国证券投资和外国直接投资之间的关系进行了分析。

    The sixth chapter researches the relationship between the foreign portfolio investment and foreign direct investment .

  6. 中国投资者(不包括中央银行在内)持有的外国证券占中国年度经济产出的5%。

    Chinese investors , excluding the central bank , hold foreign securities worth 5 per cent of annual economic output .

  7. 但与许多外国证券公司和财富管理公司一样,新鸿基金融迄今未能获准直接进入内地市场。

    Like many foreign brokers and wealth managers , however , the company has so far been barred from directly entering the mainland market .

  8. 与此相似的是,近年来在日本,越来越多的投资者增加了对外国证券的持有量,对房产购置也没有任何限制。

    Similarly , Japan has seen a rise in investors increasing their ownership of foreign securities in recent years and there are no limitations on residential purchases .

  9. 分析人士表示,除非将部分资金投资于收益率较高的外国证券,否则本土保险公司和养老基金将无力偿还长期债务。

    Analysts say local insurers and pension funds will not be able to meet their long-term liabilities unless they invest some of their money into higher-yielding foreign securities .

  10. 在这一部分里主要对影响外国证券投资流入的影响因素及外国证券投资与外国直接投资间的关系进行研究。

    We mainly study the influencing factors of the foreign portfolio investment and the relationship between the foreign portfolio investment and the foreign direct investment in this part .

  11. 我国对开放证券市场的承诺意味着在入世三年内中国的证券市场对外国证券公司逐步开放,中国证券公司会面临客户分流、技术落后以及人才外流等问题。

    The specific commitments in securities market indicate that China will open its securities market to foreign securities firms within three years as from its entry into WTO .

  12. 这场危机已经触发了货币的迅速贬值,以及在外国证券和股权投资商大量抛售其所持证券的同时出现的股票市场价格的大幅度下跌。

    The crisis has triggered quick depreciation of currencies and major declines in stock market prices with foreign investors in securities and equities selling off large shares of their holdings .

  13. 他表示,不会预先宣布采取何种措施,但有官员最近谈到使用货币衍生品拍卖,或对外国证券投资者的涌入采取新的管控措施。

    He said measures would not be announced in advance , but officials have spoken recently of using currency derivative auctions or fresh controls on inflows from foreign portfolio investors .

  14. 巴西政府周一在当地股市临近收盘时宣布,对外国证券投资征收2%的赋税,以抑制本币汇率的急速上涨。昨日,巴西货币及股票纷纷大跌。

    Brazil 's currency and stocks fell sharply yesterday after the government imposed a 2 per cent tax on foreign portfolio investments to stem the rapid rise of its exchange rate .

  15. 因此,我国利用外资的形式结构也必将进行调整,增加外国证券投资在我国利用外资中的比重将是一个必然的选择。

    Therefore , the structure of using foreign capital will be adjusted in our country ; it will be an inevitable choice to increase the proportion of the foreign portfolio investment in our country .

  16. 中方同意,在举行下轮对话之前,简化保险公司进入中国市场的审批程序,并出台相关规定,允许外国证券公司扩大在华业务,包括自营业务和基金管理业务。

    The Chinese agreed that before the next round of talks they would streamline licensing for insurance companies and announce rules to allow foreign securities firms to expand operations to include propriety trading and fund management .

  17. 通过借鉴外国证券法律制度的经验和其他学者的研究成果,指出了法院在确定投资者损失中的不足并提出了合理化建议。

    By referring to the useful experience of the legal system of foreign securities and also the research results of some scholars , this paper points out the insufficiency of the court in determining the investors ' losses and makes useful suggestions .

  18. ETF-JDR将被归类为日本国内证券,因此散户投资者不需要在经纪商那里开立外国证券账户(如果这两家中国基金公司选择将其产品在东京交叉上市,投资者就必须开设外国证券账户)。

    ETF-JDRs will be classified as domestic Japanese securities and so retail investors will not be required to open a foreign securities account with their broker ( which would have been necessary if the Chinese asset managers had opted to cross-list their products in Tokyo ) .

  19. 此前一天,泰国股市出现了1990年以来的最大单日跌幅。随后,泰国政府突然撤销了对短期外国证券投资征收10%暂扣缴税的计划。该计划原意是要减轻泰铢面临的投机压力。

    The bounce , a day after the steepest one-day plunge in Thai shares since 1990 , followed Bangkok 's abrupt retreat from plans to impose a 10 per cent withholding tax on short-term foreign equity investment , a plan originally intended to ease speculative pressure on the baht .

  20. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)已获得监管部门批准,将在中国设立一家证券合资公司。预期这一决定将掀起一波外国投资中国证券行业的热潮,此前此类投资被叫停两年。

    Credit Suisse has secured regulatory approval to set up a Chinese securities joint venture , a decision expected to herald a wave of foreign investment in the sector following a two-year ban .

  21. 南朝鲜向外国投资者敞开证券交易所大门

    South Korea stock exchange opens the door to foreign investors

  22. 提高外国所有权在证券合资企业中占33%的限制,并将这个行业对拥有大多数外国股权的企业开放。

    The33 % limit on foreign ownership in JV securities firms to be raised and open the industry to majority foreign ownership .

  23. 柜买中心于「外国有价证券柜台买卖审查准则」中另设专节对于属集团企业者加以规范。

    A9.There is a special section in the GreTai Securities Market Rules Governing Review of Over-the-Counter Trading of Foreign Securities that deals specifically with members of enterprise groups .

  24. 外国有价证券投资包括期限在一年以上的国际交易。比如,购买外国公司的股票。

    Foreign portfolio investment covers all international transactions with an original maturity of more than one year , such as the purchase of shares from a foreign corporation .

  25. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。

    The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC ) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June .

  26. 此外,尽管中国近日做出了一些小的让步,但仍拒绝向外国企业完全开放证券市场,这也让曾执掌高盛(GoldmanSachs)的保尔森感到沮丧。

    Mr Paulson , a former head of Goldman Sachs , has also been frustrated by China 's refusal to fully open its securities market to foreign firms , despite some small concessions in recent days .

  27. 站在某一个国家的角度,含有某些外国因素的资产证券化被称之为涉外资产证券化。

    Speaking from the angle of country , securitization involving some foreign factors is called foreign-related securitization .

  28. 美元汇率相当重要,因为美国依赖于外国大量购买美国证券和其它资产,为美国经常账户赤字提供融资。

    The dollar exchange rate is important because the US relies on hefty foreign purchases of securities and other assets to fund its current account deficit .

  29. 无论是向外国投资者开放国内证券市场还是允许境内投资者到境外证券市场投资,对国内资本进入国际资本市场,国家必须加强管理和引导,以避免国有资产产权受到侵害,资金严重外流。

    State manipulation & guidance must be insured in the process of opening up domestic securities market so as to safeguard ownership and avoid serious outflow of capital .

  30. 美国财政部的数据显示,8月份出售给外国投资者的美国证券数量放缓,标志出口国家经常账户盈余的部署阶段宣告结束。

    The US Treasury 's data showing the August slowdown in securities sales to foreigners mark the end of that phase of the deployment of the exporters ' current account surpluses .