
rén zào ɡuānɡ
  • artificial light
  1. 光污染在很大程度上是由于糟糕的照明设计造成的,这使得人造光可以向外和向上照射到天空中。

    Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design , which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky .

  2. 但人造光(不论是白炽灯、荧光灯还是LED灯的光)的光谱都和阳光的不同。

    But artificial light , whether of the incandescent , fluorescent or LED variety , contains a different mixture of frequencies from that put out by the sun .

  3. 当人造光进入自然世界时,某些事物或生命就会受到影响。

    Wherever human light spills into the natural world , some aspect or life is affected .

  4. 当然,我们也有各样的人造光。

    But of course , we have the man-made lights , too .

  5. 某些蔬菜如今在人造光下无土栽培。

    Some vegetables are now grown without soil and under artificial light .

  6. 没有窗户而用人造光照明的房间。

    Artificial light a room without windows , lit by artificial light .

  7. 走廊完全由人造光照明。

    The corridors are lit only by artificial light .

  8. 今天我们谈到了自然光,人造光和神圣的光。

    We talked about natural light , man-made light , and divine light today .

  9. 只有我能一直把它带到海底去的这种人造光!

    But only this artificial light that I import into the depths of the seas !

  10. 无论是人造光还是自然光都将点亮一个房间,让它看起来空间更大。

    Both artificial and natural light will brighten up a room , making it look bigger .

  11. 因为电子设备,比如电视和电脑屏幕所“释放”出的人造光会“过度刺激”大脑,影响睡眠质量。

    Artificial light emitted by TV and computer screens and over-stimulation of the brain have been blamed .

  12. 布拉福德:是的,人们总认为得把所有的东西都配齐了:三角架、人造光。

    Bradford : Right , people think they need all this equipment , a tripod , artificial light .

  13. 人造光会通过推迟睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑激素的产生扰乱生物钟。

    Artificial light is known to disrupt the body clock by delaying the production of the sleep hormone melatonin .

  14. 紫外辐射也用于治疗新生儿的黄疸病,细菌设备和制造人造光。

    UV radiation is also used to treat jaundice in newborns , to sterilize equipment , and to produce artificial light .

  15. 如果你整个晚上都使用人造光(即使是很微弱的人造光)你的脑袋就会停止生产抗黑变激素。

    If your night time is spent in artificial light ( even dim artificial light ) your brain stops churning out melatonin .

  16. 安尼塔认真地在阳光下作着对比,因为荧光灯发出的苍白色人造光不能反映出真正的色泽。

    Annette is careful to match under sunlight , since the artificial pallor of fluorescent bulbs isn 't a reliable indicator of true color .

  17. 凯尔博士建议在睡觉前的几个小时就关掉智能手机、平板电脑和台式电脑,减少接触人造光的环境。

    Dr Kyle advised turning off smartphones , tablets and desktop computers a couple of hours before going to bed to reduce exposure to artificial light .

  18. 既在屋里又在户外看见一种自然的轻和人造光的混合物是非常普通的,特别黄昏和在夜里。

    Both indoors and outdoors it is very common to see a mixture of natural light and artificial light , especially at dusk and at night .

  19. 克鲁格国家公园是南非最大的野生动物保护区,它远离污染和来自城镇的人造光。

    Kruger National Park in South Africa , the largest game reserve in South Africa , is far from pollution and artificial lights of towns and cities .

  20. 所以就算你有明亮的办公室,但也不能有相同的效果。因为这是人造光且不包含蓝光。

    So you could have a very well lit office but it does not have the same effect because it 's artificial and does not contain blue light .

  21. 城市地区有种现象叫“人工白昼”,人造光被水滴反射出去,在城市上空制造了一个光线的穹顶。

    Urban areas experience a phenomenon called " sky glow , " where artificial light is scattered by water droplets , creating a dome of light over the city .

  22. 如果你将这些电子设备带到床上,它们散发出来的人造光会影响大脑原先的运作方式。

    If you bring those devices , and the artificial light that they give off , into bed , however , you may be tricking your brain into thinking it should stay awake .

  23. 男:实际上你知道吗,在室内人造光的刺激下,你就会出现上述情况,你身体中的生物钟有些受到影响了。

    M : Well , you know , spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you . Your body loses track of whether it 's day or night .

  24. 据推测,有一些不同的人造光具有干扰昆虫自身导航的能力,但我们难以判定虫子是否使用光作为导航援助。

    Presumably , there 's something different about artificial light that interferes with the bugs ' ability to navigate , but we don 't even know whether bugs are using light as a navigational aid .

  25. 你总是处在手机、电视或平板电脑这类人造光的环境下,会造成身体褪黑激素量降低,这样就很难睡个好觉,尤其是如果你晚上睡得那么晚。

    Exposing yourself to artificial light on your cellphone , TV or tablet reduces your bodys production of melatonin , which can make it difficult to get a good nights sleep , if you do so late at night .

  26. 该大学的睡眠研究员西蒙·凯尔博士说:很多人都对这个问题感兴趣,在24小时的社会环境下,剥夺睡眠增加了我们身体接触人造光的时间。

    Dr Simon Kyle , a sleep researcher at the university , said : ' A lot of people are interested in this at the moment given that as a 24-hour society , sleep deprivation is increasing and we are exposing ourselves to artificial light at night .

  27. 该大学的睡眠研究员西蒙·凯尔博士说:“很多人都对这个问题感兴趣,在24小时的社会环境下,剥夺睡眠增加了我们身体接触人造光的时间。”

    Dr Simon Kyle , a sleep researcher at the university , said : ' A lot of people are interested in this at the moment given that as a 24-hour society , sleep deprivation is increasing and we are exposing ourselves to artificial light at night 。

  28. 本文从视觉与光的原理出发,在阐述光的基本知识基础上,总结出正面光、侧面光、逆光、散射光、自然光、人造光等在摄影中所起的作用及各自的特点。

    In this paper , from the principles of visual sense and light . I have briefly stated the basic knowledge of light and summed up the function and characteristics of frontal light , side light , back light , scatter light , natural light and artificial light .

  29. 抗氧剂对汽车内饰用PVC人造革光稳定性能的影响

    Influences of antioxidant on the light stability of PVC artificial leather for car interior trims

  30. 一种人造信标光的产生方法

    Method for creating artificial beacon