
zhǐ shì dēng
  • pilot lamp;pilot light;guiding lights;indicator lamp
指示灯[zhǐ shì dēng]
  1. 介绍了广州本田飞度乘用车ABS指示灯电路和制动系统指示灯电路的检测诊断方法。

    In this article the inspection and diagnosis to the ABS Pilot Lamp and the Pilot Lamp of Arrester System for Guangzhou Honda Fit Car are introduced .

  2. 指示灯停止显示操作终止。

    The pilot lamp stopped to represent the termination of the operation .

  3. 指示灯未熄灭之前乘客不许抽烟。

    Passengers must not smoke until the signs have been switched off .

  4. 安全带指示灯一关掉,我们就冲了出去。

    As soon as the seat belt sign had been switched off , we rushed out .

  5. 指示灯告诉你机器是否在工作。

    The light tells you if the machine is on .

  6. 充电指示灯绿色LED灯显示电池充电。

    Charging Indicator green LED light indicates battery is charging .

  7. 你会看到发射机的指示灯B与E已经被点亮。

    You will see the light transmitter B and E has been lit .

  8. 当电脑启动完成,你会看到发射机的指示灯C被点亮了。

    When completed restart your computer , you 'll see the light C transmitter was illuminated .

  9. 采用了led技术的条形方向指示灯是新款车的显著特色。

    The bar-shaped direction indicator lights incorporating LED technology are a distinctive feature .

  10. comethrough电源指示灯是亮的,并且正常工作,但是为什么声音就是出不来呢?1.拒绝。

    The power indicator was on , and it was running , but somehow the sound didn 't come through .

  11. 这两款扬声器上面有LED指示灯,充满电时就会变成绿色。

    The speakers are a better quality and an LED indicator turns green when fully charged .

  12. 编码的连接器以及必要的LED指示灯已经置于电路板上。

    Encoded connections are already on the circuit board , as well as the necessary LED 's.

  13. 没有电池情况下,接上电源,4个指示灯是亮的,LED为绿色。

    Plug DC power into charger , 4 indicators are light , LED is green ( no battery )

  14. 这种监测方法的核心是利用机器视觉,捕获PLC指示灯的状态图像。

    The core of this detection method is using machine vision to capture the status image of PLC indicator .

  15. 胶卷速度和ISO指示灯都将在液晶屏上显示。

    The film speed and the ISO indicator are briefly displayed on the LCD panel .

  16. 在该平台上可实现电子时钟、交通指示灯控制和LED点阵显示等功能,并可以进行自主扩展开发。

    Electronic clock , traffic signal light control and LED matrix display can be realized on this platform , and it can be developed independently .

  17. LED曾经用作电子工业指示灯,现在已经成为一项可以改变未来普遍照明的重大的灯饰技术。

    Once used just as indicator lights for electronics , LEDs have evolved into a major lighting technology that may change the future of general illumination .

  18. 技术参数:指示灯绿色LED亮:说明产品通电正常,也说明制动液里不含有水分,制动液很好!

    Technical parameters : green LED light products : battery is good and no water contained in the brake fluid , brake fluid is very good !

  19. 评价器和PC机作为从机,负责接收处理主控机数据,并根据数据中本机的星级信息,控制相应LED指示灯。

    Window evaluating device and PC is used as slave , it receives and processes data from host , and relevant LED is controlled according to star-level information in local data .

  20. 主控制器负责操纵箱以及PC图像终端的控制协调,指示灯的控制,与从控制器的通讯,与PC图像终端的通讯等。

    The main controller is responsible for correspondence with the operation box and PC video terminal , indication LED control , communication with the sub-controller , and so on .

  21. 当你在xp系统中点击安全删除硬件时,指示灯熄灭,USB设备停止工作。

    When you click Safely Remove Hardware in Windows XP , the power indicator turns off and the USB device powers off .

  22. NOC可以收到系统故障报警或者在NagiosWeb界面上看到一个闪亮的红色错误指示灯。

    The NOC can be alerted of system failures or see a shiny red error light on the Nagios Web interface .

  23. 该小组表示,如果把沈阳所有学校的安全出口LED指示灯都换成这种自发电门灯,一年就可节省约70万度电。

    If light-emitting diode ( LED ) lights were used with the invention at all entrances in Shenyang schools , about 700,000 kilowatt hours a year would be saved , the team said .

  24. 消息(短信,彩信和WAP随身消息)默默无过滤声音或指示灯。

    Messages ( text messages , MMS and WAP push messages ) are silently filtered with no sound or light indication .

  25. 发动机能转动但不着车,防盗指示灯大约亮5s后熄灭;

    Bright ; engine rotates but cannot be started , the anti-theft indicator light extinguishes after 5 sec .

  26. BK/YL停车指示灯开关输出

    BK / YL Park Lamp Switch Output

  27. 当这种情况发生时,低电池指示灯开始闪烁,这表明它的时候改变的AAA电池。

    When this happens , the Low-Battery Indicator Light begins to flash , signaling that it 's time to change the AAA battery .

  28. 从CRUISE指示灯闪烁状态来读取故障代码,根据故障代码表中的提示去检测其相关的部位。

    The fault codes are read by the glitter of the CRUISE indicator light and the correlative parts are inspected according to the index of the fault code table .

  29. 但BT1充满时,指示灯C转为绿色,提示用户已经完成对烟盒的充电过程。

    When BT1 is fully charged , light C shows green and attends user that the process of charging is complete .

  30. 输入输出模块包括开关和指示灯接口电路,数据输入输出模块、手轮输入切换电路。通信模块包括串口通信、USB通信和以太网通信。

    Input and output modules include a switch and indicator light interface circuit , data input and output modules , the hand wheel input switching circuit , the communication module includes serial communication , network communication and USB communication .