
  1. 第一天晚上我就睡在这远离人间烟火的大沙漠上。

    The first night , then , I went to sleep on the sand , a thousand miles from any human habitation .

  2. 红色跟着回家,人间烟火。

    Red back home , light fire make life .

  3. 七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟花会。

    The fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics .

  4. 我还没有尝过人间烟火,在这之前我不想自己。

    I do not wish to leave the earthly joys and sorrows behind before .

  5. 散文诗,从人间烟火中走进唯爱唯美的艺术境界。

    Prose Poetry walks from world 's life into an art state full of love and aestheticism .

  6. 那么是什么维持婚姻,维持一份长久地关系呢?根据哈特菲尔德的理论,激情之爱必将反复出现,好像小火花燃期人间烟火。

    So what keeps marriages and other long-term relationships together ? Passionate love must come back intermittently , like small sparks that keep the relationship smoldering , Hatfield theorizes .