
  • 网络Sword wound;sword cut
  1. 他脸上有一道剑伤吗?他问。

    Does he have a sword cut on his face ? he asked .

  2. 他的前胸有一道剑伤,我一眼就看出他快要死了。

    There was a sword wound in his chest and I could see at once that he was dying .

  3. 老天,伤得好深…这是剑伤还是…夫人,怎么会发生这种事?

    Gods . Those are deep cuts ? a gash from a sword or ? how did this happen , my lady ?

  4. 是剑伤,受伤时间大约在二十至二十四小时以前。但是即使他当时立即得到治疗也已无术可治。

    The wound was a sword-thrust , received from twenty to twenty-four hours before , but no skill could have saved him if it had been looked to without delay .