
  • 网络Interpersonal Communication;Interpersonal;communication;Interpersonal Skills
  1. SNS作为新兴的网络服务,正逐渐取代博客等成为最主要的网络人际沟通、信息传播工具。

    As a new network service , SNS is gradually replacing blog and becoming the foremost networks tools for interpersonal communication and information dissemination .

  2. 培训内容包括生理学、运动机能学、人际沟通技巧。

    Training includes physiology , kinesiology , and interpersonal communication skills .

  3. 同时,那些有感性需求、要求优秀的人际沟通能力的工作不会被人工智能所取代。

    Meanwhile , jobs that require feelings , excellent communication skills with people will not be replacedby AI .

  4. 为疑难管理问题提供了解决之道,这些疑难管理问题诸如冲突(conflict)、人际沟通(interpersonalcommunication)和时间约束(timeconstraint)等等。

    Provides answers to tough management issues like conflict , interpersonal communications , and time constraints .

  5. PBL教学法较传统教学法在提高学生学习的积极性和主动性、人际沟通能力、团队精神等方面有优势。

    PBL teaching model had advantages in raising student 's activeness , the abilities of communication with others , team consciousness et al .

  6. 2014年,德保罗大学的人际沟通方面的助理教授肖恩·霍兰在CNN说过,相处融洽的人有着相似的背景、价值观以及对他们喜欢和不喜欢的东西持有相似的态度。

    As Sean Horan assistant professor in relationship communication at DePaul University told CNN in 2014 , people who have really good relationships have similar backgrounds , values and attitudes about things they like and dislike .

  7. 有团队精神,良好的人际沟通能力,愿意出差。

    Team player , strong interpersonal skills and willing to travel .

  8. 良好的人际沟通技巧,能够影响和调动人员开展工作。

    Good interpersonal skills and able to influence and motivate people .

  9. 实习护生人格特征对人际沟通能力的影响

    Influence of Personality Characteristics of Nursing Interns on Interpersonal Communication Skills

  10. 中学体育教学中人际沟通的现象及方法研究

    In Middle School Sports Teaching Interpersonal Communication Phenomenon and Method Research

  11. 对高职护理礼仪与人际沟通实训教学的探索

    Reach on High Vocational Nursing Etiquette and Interpersonal Communication Training Teaching

  12. 护生评判性思维能力及其与人际沟通能力、自我效能感的相关性

    Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Nurse-patient Communication Ability in Practice Nursing Students

  13. 培养人际沟通能力增强护生就业竞争力

    Cultivating Nursing Students ' Interpersonal Skills and Increasing Their Employment Competitiveness

  14. 人际沟通课程采用双语教学的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Double - language Teaching of Human Communication

  15. 诚实可信的语言是人际沟通的重要前提;

    Honest and trusty language is an important prerequisite of communication ;

  16. 写字楼里的人际沟通困境:石头?剪子?布?

    Office in interpersonal communication difficulties : stone ? Scissors ? Cloth ?

  17. 家族企业人际沟通信息系统的构建

    Look the System Changes of Family Firm from Information System

  18. 护生临床人际沟通能力的培养

    Training of Communicating Ability of Nursing Students in Clinical Practice

  19. 论网络对大学生人际沟通的影响及对策

    The Influences of Network on College Students Human Intercourse and Its Countermeasures

  20. 企业管理者人际沟通能力结构研究

    A Study of the Structure of Interpersonal Communication Competence of Enterprise Managers

  21. 优秀的人际沟通、员工激励、团队建设能力。

    Strong interpersonal communication , motivational and team building ability .

  22. 试论馆员与读者的人际沟通准则及艺术

    Discussion on Norms and Arts of Interpersonal Communication between Librarians and Readers

  23. 良好的人际沟通能力和解决问题能力;

    Be able in communicating with others and solving problems ;

  24. 组织,交流,人际沟通能力较强;

    Strong organizational , communication , presentation and interpersonal skills ;

  25. 具有很强的人际沟通能力和表达能力;

    Strong interpersonal and communications skills-confident and engaging presenting skills ;

  26. 优化人际沟通技巧,与人快乐相处。

    Optimize communication and negotiation skill and get along well with others .

  27. 第三,学习掌握人际沟通技巧。

    Third , learning to master interpersonal communication skills .

  28. 护理专业女生人际沟通技巧及不良品质的调查与评价

    Personal Communication Technique of the Nursing Girl-Students and the Investigation of Bad Qualities

  29. 人际沟通课程教学实习方法的改革与思考

    Exploring of practice modes in the course of interpersonal communication for nursing students

  30. 创造力,良好的人际沟通能力及优秀的管理能力。

    Self-initiative , good interpersonal communication skills as well as good management skills .