
  1. 反观香港市场,由于投资者情绪及流动性都颇为强劲,跌幅较大陆股市小得多。香港股市对国际投资者开放,但内地投资者则无法自由进入。

    By contrast , the Hong Kong market , which is open to international investors but beyond the reach of mainland Chinese traders , has fallen more modestly as sentiment and liquidity flows have remained robust .

  2. 研究发现噪音交易者情绪也是影响流动性的一个主要因素,噪音交易者越乐观市场流动性越大,反之流动性越差。

    Based on their researches , they discovered the sentiment of noise traders is also a primary factor affecting market liquidity .

  3. 本文结合噪声交易者、投资者情绪构建了一个理论模型作为研究的基础,并通过此模型将投资者情绪与市场流动性联系起来。

    This thesis constructs a brief theoretical model with the investor sentiment , by which the sentiment is connected with the market liquidity .