
  • 网络principle of change of circumstances;rebus sic stantibus
  1. 论情势变更原则及其适用

    On Principle of Change of Circumstances and Its Application

  2. 论情势变更原则及其在我国审判实践中的应用

    Analyze the Principle of Change of Circumstances and Its Application in the Judicial Practice of China

  3. 情势变更原则的理论超越与完善

    Perfecting and Transcending of the Principle of Rebus Sic Stantibus

  4. 论情势变更原则论壁画与环境

    Fresco and Its Circumstances On the Change of circumstances

  5. 试论情势变更原则在商品房预售中的具体适用

    Practice of Situation Alteration Principle in Apartment Forward Selling

  6. 情势变更原则发源于大陆法系,现在已成为各国及国际民商事法律的基本原则之一。

    It becomes fundamental principle of civil law , even international commercial law .

  7. 合同的情势变更原则的产生及演变

    Produce and History of the Principle of Changed Circumstances

  8. 论情势变更原则&比较法视野中的情势变更原则

    Research on the Principles of the Change of Circumstances

  9. 论情势变更原则对合同效力的影响

    Influence of the Principle of Rebus sic Stantibus on the Effectiveness of Contracts

  10. 情势变更原则辨合同法和条约法中情势根本变更原则之比较

    Comparison of Principle of Fundamental Change of Circumstances between Contract Law and Treaty Law

  11. 浅议建筑房地产合同纠纷中情势变更原则的适用

    Study on the Application of the Circumstances Change Principle in Real Estate Contract Disputes

  12. 情势变更原则的借鉴与适用

    The Application and Use of the Principle of Changing of State of Affairs for Reference

  13. 第二章,在这一章节中,具体分析了情势变更原则在商品房预售合同中适用的必要性和可行性。

    The second chapter , the author analyzes the necessity and feasibility of changed circumstances .

  14. 略论情势变更原则

    On Principle of Situation 's Change

  15. 引入情势变更原则处理好转包土地的纠纷问题

    Introducing the Principle of Situation Change to Deal with the Disputes Caused by Land Contract Transfer

  16. 第三部分,情势变更原则相关制度比较分析。

    Part III : Comparison of the systems that are related the principle of change of circumstances .

  17. 再析情势变更原则

    On the Circumstances Change Principle

  18. 情势变更原则是现代民法合同债权制度中的重要内容。

    The changed circumstances is an important content of the contract debt system for the modern civil law .

  19. 关于情势变更原则,目前我国现行法律没有对此作出明确规定。

    At present , the law has not clear stipulation on the principle of Circumstance Change in China .

  20. 情势变更原则作为民法的重要原则,是体现民法中诚实信用原则的一项基本原则。

    The importance of civil law is the principles of circumstance alternation , It 's embodiment cordiality and credit .

  21. 我国合同法几易其稿后,最终将有关情势变更原则的规定删除。

    Our country ' contract law has been amended several times , which deleted the changed circumstance principle at last .

  22. 第四节主要介绍了在我国为什么要在合同法中采纳情势变更原则。

    The fourth section mainly introduced why has to accept the instruction change principle in our country in the contract law .

  23. 因为情势变更原则在审判中操作难度大,在第二章着重论述了情势变更原则在审判实践中的适用条件和适用效力。

    The second chapter tries to show the condition and the results about using the principle of change of circumstances in judicial practice .

  24. 鉴于我国现行法律中明确情势变更原则的实用性和紧迫性。

    In view of the current law in our country is made clear in the principle of change of circumstances is practical and pressing sex .

  25. 情势变更原则作为一项在瞬息万变的现代生活中不可或缺的法律原则,在未来的民法典中应有其一席之地。

    As an indispensable legal principle in fast-changing modern life , the principle of change of circumstances shall have its position in the future Civil Code .

  26. 情势变更原则在12、13世纪的注释学派的著作中以情势变更条款的形式呈现,在经历了历史上的几次沉浮之后,在世界很多国家的合同法律制度中确立了其应有的地位。

    The principle of change of circumstances appeared in the 12 ~ ( th ) century and come into being in Contract Law of many countries .

  27. 本文以此为核心,论证了情势变更原则立法化的必要性,以及立法后如何完善如何适用。

    This paper demonstrates the core , the principle of change of circumstances of legislation necessity , and how to perfect the legislation after how to apply .

  28. 情势变更原则作为合同履行的重要原则,在大陆法系及英美法系国家均有规定。

    As an important principle during the performance of contract , the substantial change of circumstance system is provided in continental law system and common law system countries .

  29. 本文章从理论阐述到理论联系实践分析,围绕情势变更原则在建设工程施工合同中的适用这一主题展开论述。

    This article expounds from theory analysis to theory analysis with practice , the principle of the changed circumstances in the construction contract is discussed as the center topic .

  30. 探讨如何在司法实践中适用情势变更原则,使审判工作达到法律效果与社会效果的统一具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    It 's of great theoretical and practical significance to apply the principle in the judicial practice and make the trial achieve the reunification of legal effects and social effects .