
mò shì tiáo kuǎn
  • implied term
  1. 对于违反有关下列情形的任何默示条款的情况,即任何安全密码器的令人满意的质量、商销性或合适性,本行并不承担任何责任。

    We shall have no liability for breach of any implied term as to satisfactory quality , merchantability or fitness for purpose of any security device .

  2. 就其含义,有“默示条款说”、“排除者说”和“自由裁量权限制说”之争。

    As for its meaning , there are disagreements among " doctrine of implied term "," doctrine of excluder " and " doctrine of restriction to the discretion " .

  3. 一个合同可能包含有明示或默示条款。

    A contract may contain both express and implied terms .

  4. 默示条款法律问题探析

    On the Legal Issues of Terms on Tacit Approval

  5. 论契约法中的默示条款

    Study at the implied terms in contract law

  6. 默示条款的来源。

    The source of implied terms .

  7. 论默示条款的存在和作用

    Existance and Functions of Implied Terms

  8. 默示条款研究

    Study on Implied Terms

  9. 默示条款是相对明示条款而言的,也是明示条款的补充和完善。

    The implied terms is relative to the express terms and also the complement to the implied terms .

  10. 英美法系的法官们采用默示条款为不完全合同所欠缺的内容进行补充。

    Common law judges use the " implied terms " to supplement the lack of content in incomplete contract .

  11. 默示条款是政治、文化、经济与法律等因素综合作用的产物。

    Implied terms are the production of the combination of some reasons such as politics , civilization , economy , and law .

  12. 本部分依据不同的标准,划分了国际货物买卖合同默示条款的类型。

    According to different standards , this part divides different types of implied terms of contract for the international sale of goods .

  13. 英美法系和大陆法系各有解决这一难题的机制:默示条款制度和合同漏洞补充制度。

    Both Common Law System and Continental Law System have a mechanism to solve this problem : implied terms and remedy of contract flaw .

  14. 法院有时也会乐得采用默示条款,允许合同,在执行上有一定的灵活性。

    Our courts have on occasion been willing to impose an implied terms that a contractual discretion had to be exercised arbitrio boni viri .

  15. 本文以比较法的研究方法,比较了大陆法系的合同漏洞填补方法与英美法系以默示条款填补合同漏洞的区别与联系。

    The paper introduces the difference of methods for filling gaps in contract between civil law system and common law system in comparative law terms .

  16. 在普通法中,这样的默示条款可以被相反的明示规定排除,但排除这类条款的权利现在受到立法的严格限制。

    At common law , such terms can be excluded by express contrary provision ; but the power to exclude them is now severely restricted by legislation .

  17. 新通过的《合同法》并未借鉴系统的默示条款制度,只是在分则各种类合同之中规定了一些法定默示条款,而对事实上及习惯上的默示条款未作丝毫规定。

    The author also consider that the implied terms of contract is not only used for interpreting the contract , but also a means of limiting the parties'free ideas .

  18. 接下来分析金融信息保护制度产生的必然性以及理论基础(包括默示条款理论和侵权理论)。

    Then the author will analyze the generation of financial information protection system . It has necessity and theoretical basis ( including the implied terms theory and tort theory ) .

  19. 合同默示条款制度为英美法系所确立,其目的在于体现当事人订立合同时的真实意思表示,以补充合同漏洞。

    Implied terms system was established in American and British laws , with the purpose of showing the true meaning of the contract makers and making up the shortcoming of contracts .

  20. 默示条款法律制度,虽为英美法系所特有,但究其实质,乃一种合同解释的有效路径,更确切地说,是一种合同漏洞的补充方法。

    Legal system of terms on tacit approval is one of the characteristics for Common Law System , it is an effective way to explain contract in essence , in details , it is a method to reinforce contract .

  21. 通过考察事实上的默示条款、法律上的默示条款以及习惯上的默示条款,我们可以得知,主导着法院添加默示条款的实质性思维方式是法律经济学的。

    Through the study of terms implied in fact , terms implied by law and terms implied by custom , we can see that the substantive way of thinking in adding implied terms by court is that of law and economics .

  22. 本文拟以此为出发点,联系大陆法系的合同解释(漏洞补充)方法,探析英美法默示条款制度有关法律问题,以资完善我国合同法上合同解释制度之借鉴。

    The paper relates the methods to explain contract in Continental Law System to legal system of terms on tacit approval in Common Law System , and studies some issues about it in order to perfect the contact-explaining system in China .

  23. 基于前面的分析,要解决默示条款难题,本文认为应采取如下措施:首先要借鉴英美法的相关理论,承认默示条款的概念并完善其理论。

    Being based on the former analysis , in order to solve the difficult of implied terms , the article considers several steps as follows : Firstly , we should learn some of Anglo-American theories , admits implied terms ' conception , and perfects its theory .

  24. 法院所补充的条款传统上被称为默示条款,而被添加的默示条款形成之前的元规则如今通常被称为默认规则。默认规则既包括立法上的默认规则,又指司法上的默认规则。

    The terms added to the contract by Court has traditionally been known as " implied terms ", and the meta-rule before the formation of the implied terms is often referred to " default rules ", which includes the default rules of legislation and the default rules of justice .

  25. 在英美合同法的实践中,合同责任的严格性实际通过明示或默示合同条款,通过法律规则或通过错误或落空原则等而受到了限制。

    Even though in Anglo-American contract law system , the criterion of liability is strict liability , there are aspects where fault is used and comparative fault is implied .