
shí yī shuì
  • tithes;borrow
  1. 他还从玉米、谷物、干草等农产品中牟取什一税,也就是从他人的血汗中榨取利润。

    He also acquired tithes on local produce , including corn , grain and hay , allowing him to cream off the profits from others ' manual work .

  2. 这是我付的什一税,他说。

    " I am paying my tithes ," he said .

  3. 所以他给交了战争的什一税。

    And so he gives a tithe for the war .

  4. 那个时候,我们都在学习“什一税”的有关理论。

    We were learning about tithing at the time .

  5. 基督教传统和社会压力的综合作用促进了这种“什一税”的传播。

    Christian tradition and social pressures combined to make the " tithe " spread .

  6. 你们向教会交什一税,还感恩野兽们让某人祈祷。

    You paid the tithing and thanked the beast for someone to pray too .

  7. 这个故事讲,亚伯拉罕交了什一税,即给了麦基洗德十分之一的战利品作为赠礼。

    The story is , Abraham then gives a tithe , a tenth of the spoils of war to Melchizedek as an offering .

  8. 随着边远地区教堂的普遍建立,牧师往往将自己的帽子递给人们募钱,而不再接受多余的谷物或其他种类的什一税作为报酬。

    As the frontier church spread , the preacher passed his hat for money , rather than accept excess grain or other tithes for his services .

  9. 负责一个教区的主管牧师在多少事要做啊,首先他得制订什一税的条例,既要订得于自己有利,又要不侵犯地主的利益。

    The rector of a parish has much to do . & In the first place , he must make such an agreement for tithes as may be beneficial to himself and not offensive to his patron .

  10. 7世纪中叶至11世纪初,该帝国控制着东西方重要的交通枢纽,商业贸易活动尤为繁荣,海关税和商业什一税就是其国库收入最重要的来源。

    From the middle of the 7th century to the beginning of 11 centuries , the empire controled the important transportation pivot between East and West , which commercial trade activity was especially prospering , and the tithe and customs duties were important sources of revenue for its national treasury .