
rán yóu shuì
  • Fuel tax;fuel oil tax
  1. 我国开征燃油税的可行性探讨

    The Feasibility Analysis of the Collecting Fuel Oil Tax in China

  2. 论燃油税的开征对农村经济的影响

    The Influence of the Collection of Fuel Oil Tax on Economy of the Rural Areas

  3. 本文采用Suits(1977)提出的Suits指数和洛伦兹曲线,首次估计和比较了中国汽车消费税和燃油税的累进性。

    This paper uses Suits index and Lorenz curve proposed by Suits ( 1977 ) to explore the progressivity of consumption and fuel tax in the Chinese auto industry .

  4. 本文在综合分析和论证的基础上提出了延长收费期限,燃油税代替公路收费,在技术上推广ETC系统等对策和方法。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis and based on the test of the time limit , the extension of proposed fee instead of fuel in technology toll roads , promotion ETC system countermeasures and methods .

  5. 不过,中国国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)拒绝开征燃油税,担心该政策对处境艰难、多变的消费者所造成的影响,特别是对农民和出租车司机的影响。发改委是中国主要的经济规划机构。

    However , the National Reform and Development Commission , the chief economic planning agency , has resisted imposing the tax for fear of its impact on hard-pressed and volatile consumers , especially farmers and taxi drivers .

  6. 即便在富裕国家,削减燃油税也带有累退性质。

    Even in rich countries , fuel tax cuts are regressive .

  7. 论高油价与燃油税改革

    Discussing on High Oil - Price and Petrol - tax Reform

  8. 我国应开征燃油税的简要经济学分析

    Brief Economics Analysis of Fuel Tax Started Collection in Our Country

  9. 燃油税开征的国际比较及我国的政策选择

    International Comparison of Fuel Taxation and Policy Choice of China

  10. 美国人支付每加仑18.4美分的联邦燃油税。

    AMERICANS pay a federal fuel tax of 18.4 cents per gallon .

  11. 燃油税及其对我国国民经济的影响

    The Influence of the Fuel Tax to Our National Economy

  12. 我国试行燃油税的深层思考

    Deep thinking about the trial taxes on fuel oil in our country

  13. 直面燃油税征收的公路收费管理研究

    Research on the Toll Management in the Process of Fuel Tax Reform

  14. 燃油税改革政策分析

    Policy Analysis on the Reform of the Fuel Tax

  15. 论燃油税对道路供求的双向调节

    The Alternant Adjust of Oil tax to the Supply and Need of Road

  16. 国际燃油税政策目标分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Overseas Fuel Taxation Policy Targets

  17. 燃油税是费改税,开征难在何处?

    Fee to tax for the fuel tax , where are the challenges ?

  18. 然后从这个问题出发,分析燃油税改革对其带来的影响。

    Then it analyses the effect from this perspective .

  19. 因此,它试着出台了燃油税来抑制石油消费。

    So it tried to introduce a fuel tax to discourage oil consumption .

  20. 浅析燃油税的征收对私人轿车消费的影响

    To Analyse Simply on the Effects of Fuel Oil Taxation for Private Cars Expending

  21. 我国于2009年1月1日开征燃油税,并计划逐步有序取消二级收费公路。

    Our 1 January 2009 , and plans to gradually douments fuel secondary turnpike .

  22. 另一位博主对政府意图征收燃油税表示愤慨。

    Another expressed outrage at the government 's intention to impose a fuel tax .

  23. 阐述燃油税的改革思路,构建全国公路融资和管理框架;

    This article describes some ideas about the reformation of taxes on fuel oil ;

  24. 好,为什么你认为要增加燃油税?

    so OK , why do you think tax on gas should be increased ?

  25. 你会赞成提高燃油税吗?

    Would you be in favour of that ?

  26. 燃油税改革对我国农村公路交通的影响及对策分析

    Analysis of Effects and Countermeasures of Fuel Tax Reform on Rural Road Traffic in China

  27. 对直升机豁免徵收飞机燃油税;

    Abolish the fuel tax for helicopters ;

  28. 开征燃油税是21世纪我国社会的一个热点话题。

    Revolution on fuel tax is a hot topic in China in the 21st century .

  29. 美国重量里程税研究及对中国燃油税改革的启示

    Research of Vehicle Weight-Distance Tax in America and Suggestion to Fuel Tax Reform in China

  30. 实施燃油税对公路超限运输的影响及治理对策

    Effects of Levying Fuel Oil Tax on Overloading in Road Transport and Countermeasures for Its Control