
  • 网络Say Nothing;Said nothing
  1. 家丑不宜外扬,如果我是他的话,我就什么也不说。

    We shouldn 't wash our dirty laundry in public and if I was in his position , I 'd say nothing at all .

  2. English还指出,对于人们来说,最难做到的事情是什么也不说,尽管这是个很有效的方法。

    Moreover , English also notes that the hardest thing for people to do is say nothing , although it can be an effective tool .

  3. 她知道她如果什么也不说就是在纵容不公正的行为。

    She knew that if she said nothing she would be conniving in an injustice .

  4. 我告诉她我的名字后,她就什么也不说了。

    As soon as I told her my name , she clammed up .

  5. 好吧,如果你不想告诉我,可以什么也不说。

    Well , you needn 't tell me anything if you don 't want to .

  6. 除了约翰,别的男子就都什么也不说了。

    Other men than John would have said nothing .

  7. 我们审问他几个月了,他什么也不说。

    We interrogated him for months , he gave up nothing .

  8. 那你知道而你什么也不说?

    So , you know and you don 't say anything ?

  9. 但是,我什么也不说,只是机警地四下望望。

    But I said nothing , only looking round me sharply .

  10. 巴比康什么也不说,但是他的沉默里潜伏着阴郁的怒火。

    Barbicane said nothing , but his silence covered serious irritation .

  11. 他什么也不说这一实际情况使大家都感到惊奇。

    The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody .

  12. 既然他们不想听我的,我就什么也不说了。

    I can 't tell them anything when they won 't listen .

  13. 奈德平静地看着他,什么也不说,只静静地等待。

    Ned looked at the man evenly , saying nothing , waiting .

  14. 你必须说老实话,或者什么也不说。

    You must either tell the truth or say nothing .

  15. 如果我知道,我早就什么也不说了。

    If I 'd known , I wouldn 't have said anything .

  16. 或者,什么也不说,只是两个人一起静静的看夕阳。

    Or nothing to say , but only watch the sunset together quietly .

  17. 两个孩子不安地互相看着,什么也不说。

    The two boys looked uneasily at each other , but said nothing .

  18. 饭后,他总是什么也不说,一坐就是几小时。

    After meal , he would sit there for hours , saying nothing .

  19. 你不想要说,但是如果你什么也不说

    You don 't want to say , but if you don 't say anything

  20. 他跟警察什么也不说。

    He wouldn 't talk to the police .

  21. 他认为最好什么也不说。

    He thought it best to say nothing .

  22. 什么也不说会更好一些。

    It is much better to say nothing .

  23. 不管他们怎么拷打他,他什么也不说。

    No matter how they tortured , him , he would not say a word .

  24. 你答应过什么也不说的。

    You promised not to say anything !

  25. 但你更希望什么也不说?

    But you 'd just rather not ?

  26. 这种算是你的治疗方式吗,我就这样什么也不说

    So I guess this is the Freud part , where I don 't say anything

  27. 但是我们必须在全部说出和什么也不说之间找到中庸之道。

    But we need to strike a balance between telling it all and telling nothing .

  28. 思嘉什么也不说,然而她的眼睛在发光,她的心紧缩得有点疼痛。

    Scarlett said nothing but her eyes glittered and her heart contracted with a little pain .

  29. 我在想既然课时那么紧要是我什么也不说

    I was thinking , it 's so busy that if I didn 't say anything ,

  30. 当被问到她是哪里人时,这个小女孩只是哭,什么也不说。

    When asked where she was from , the little girl was only crying , saying nothing .