
  1. 今年夏天我想去法国。

    I 'd love to go to France this summer .

  2. 今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。

    Some travel companies will probably go out of business this summer .

  3. 今年夏天我们打算到山里去徒步旅行。

    We 're going walking in the mountains this summer .

  4. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。

    We can 't afford to go abroad this summer .

  5. 他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。

    He spent two weeks at camp this summer .

  6. 斯蒂芬妮今年夏天离开艺术学院后开始从事珠宝制作。

    Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer

  7. 今年夏天又显现出了罢工的势头。

    The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer

  8. 今年夏天,学校提供了一次全方位体验舞蹈的机会。

    This summer school presents an opportunity to experience all aspects of dance

  9. 今年夏天穿上这条超短裤出门,让别人惊讶去吧。

    Raise a few eyebrows by stepping out in these tiny shorts this summer

  10. 他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头。

    They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer 's festivals .

  11. 今年夏天价格的大幅下跌将会很残酷。

    The dip in prices this summer will be brutal

  12. 这项服务将在今年夏天投入使用。

    The service should go live this summer .

  13. 今年夏天买瓶新香水慰劳一下自己吧。

    Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer

  14. 他们根本就没有努力培养年轻球员,今年夏天他们将自食其果。

    They have done absolutely nothing to develop young players and this summer will be the payback time .

  15. 前不久,一个朋友建议我们今年夏天结伴去欧洲,边打工边度假。

    Recently a friend suggested that we team up for a working holiday in Europe in the summer .

  16. 该法案如果能得到内政部各部长的支持,将可能在今年夏天之前被收入法令全书。

    The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers

  17. 钱都存入小组的集体基金,到今年夏天基金的整数已经达到了18,000英镑。

    The money goes into the team pool , which this summer , in round figures , has now reached £ 18,000 .

  18. 考虑到当务之急是削减预算赤字,今年夏天政府只计划向国会申请1,500万美元的预算。

    Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit , the administration will ask congress for only $ 15 million this summer .

  19. 今年夏天你去哪儿度假?

    Where are you going for your vacation this summer ?

  20. 今年夏天你准备到哪儿去?

    Where do you intend to go this summer ?

  21. 我们正打算今年夏天去欧洲旅行。

    We 're planning to visit Europe this summer .

  22. 今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。

    The heat of this summer is really insupportable .

  23. 今年夏天雨水太多了。

    We 've had too much rain this summer .

  24. 今年夏天特别热。

    It has been especially hot this summer .

  25. 今年夏天我度过了一个愉快的假期。

    I enjoyed an agreeable holiday this summer .

  26. 今年夏天他回家的可能性极小。

    It is long odds against his coming home this summer .

  27. 我这双凉鞋今年夏天还可以应付过去。

    I 'll make do with these sandals for this summer .

  28. 今年夏天我能去爬山:我的健康状况良好。

    I can go climbing this summer ; I 'm in condition .

  29. 今年夏天将有新的型号面世。

    A new model will come out this summer .

  30. 今年夏天你将到什么地方去?

    Where shall you go during the summer ?