
jiè zhì jí huà
  • Dielectric polarization;dielectric polorization
  1. 并给出另一种推导介质极化&磁化场矢量P和M的相对论变换关系的方法。

    Meanwhile , another way is given to deduce the relation of relativistic transformation of media polarizationmagnetization field vector quantity P and M.

  2. 从关于介质极化电流的积分方程出发,用矩量法数值分析了矩形波导中沿E面均匀的任意截面形状和数量的介质柱的散射特性。

    Based on the polarization current integral equation with the modified Green 's function as kernel , the scattering properties of the E-plane uniform dielectric posts in rectangular waveguides are numerically analyzed by moment method .

  3. 该模型不但与阈值电压、沟道饱和电流等器件参数相关而且充分反映了剩余极化、矫顽电压等铁电栅介质极化特性对器件ID-VG特性的影响。

    The model comprises the main parameters such as threshold voltage and the ferroelectric polarization properties .

  4. 介质极化电荷和磁化电流的镜象处理方法

    The Image Method for Polarized Charge and Magnetized Current on Medium

  5. 介质极化磁化的进一步讨论

    Further discussion of polarization and magnetization of media

  6. 介质极化的微观模型这一部分讲清楚了4种不同的极化。

    Four different kinds of polarization are made clear in the part of microcosmic model for dielectric polarization .

  7. 岩石变形、破裂和磨擦、介质极化生电可能是大地电场前兆机理之一。

    The deformation 、 rupture and friction and media polarization are one of the reasons of the telluric precursor .

  8. 再谈平行板电容器内介质极化的功能过程

    A Further Discussion about the Process of the Work and Energy of the Dielectric Polarization in the Parallel Capacitor

  9. 从介质极化的原理出发,揭示了开发低介电常数介质薄膜的可能途径;

    The possible ways to lower the k values of dielectric films are revealed based on analysis of molecule polarization .

  10. 推导出了考虑介质极化损耗和位移电流情况下暂态电场计算的数学模型。

    A mathematical model of transient electric field is deduced , which takes dielectric polarization loss and displacement current into account .

  11. 主要介质极化机理归因于偶极子松弛极化,掺杂延迟了松弛时间,使得频响特性明显。

    Dipoles relaxation polarization was the main polarization mechanism . Ionic doping extended the relaxation time , resulting in more obvious frequency dispersion .

  12. 介绍了一种利用绝缘介质极化特性在现场检测油纸绝缘总体状态的新方法。

    A new method is introduced in this paper for field detection of the general status of oil paper insulation system by using dielectric polarization spectrum analysis .

  13. 但限于目前对介质极化率与热的关系研究涉及不多,本文旨在应用室内模拟试验,从理论上研究温度变化与视极化率之间的关系。

    But because of the limited study of the relationship between the polarizability and temperature of the medium , this paper 's theme is theoretically studying the correlation between the temperature and the polarizability by using the indoor simulating experimentation .

  14. 在分析实验现象时,利用介质极化和松弛损耗机理进行定性分析,提出了可能存在影响冰晶生长的旋转磁场频率波段。

    While analyzing to experiment the phenomenon , dielectric polarization and dissipative mechanism are used for qualitative analysis , then put forward the frequency wave segment of eddy magnetic , which is likely to working on ice crystal 's vegetal .

  15. 借助于介质极化理论的一些一般结果,得到球形量子点内的有效电场;量子点内的有效电场与玻璃中的电场成正比,比例系数决定于玻璃和半导体量子点的介电常数。

    For a sphere , the depolarization coefficient is 1 / 3 . Based on some general results of the effective medium theory , the electric field in the quantum dot is analyzed and the relation with the applied electric field is presented .

  16. 测量不同退火温度条件下绝缘膜的介电特性,根据有机绝缘材料介质极化理论,分析了介质极化率与介电常数之间的关系、陷阱密度对介质极化以及漏电流的影响。

    Measured the dielectric properties of insulating films with different annealing temperature , according to the dielectric polarization theory in organic insulating material , analysis the relationship between dielectric polarization rate and dielectric constant , the effect of trap density on dielectric polarization and leakage current .

  17. 根据Seigel的理论中地下介质视极化率响应与偏导数矩阵之间的关系得到的三维地电断面视极化率正演模拟结果,与等效电阻率法相比,计算速度提高了近一倍。

    Based on Seigel 's theory , using the relation between apparent induced polarization responses and the partial derivatives to get the result of numerical modeling IP values on 3-D section , compared with equivalent resistivity method , it takes more little time .

  18. 计算介质球极化场的一种简单方法

    A simple method in calculating the polarization field of a dielectric sphere

  19. 利用微生物细胞介电模型,讨论细胞膜介质的极化时间常数。

    The membrane polarization time was determined from cells simplified equivalent circuits .

  20. 圆波导介质片极化器的设计

    Design of a circular waveguide dielectric - slab polarizer

  21. 介质片极化器S矩阵的旋转变换及应用

    Rotation Transform for the Scattering Matrix of Dielectric - Plate Polarizer and Its Applications

  22. 分析认为,电场作用下玻璃介质的极化是阳极键合实现的一个重要原因。

    The polarization of glass under the function of electric filed is a key process during the bonding .

  23. 应用坐标旋转变换原理导出了介质片极化器在任意状态下的S矩阵。

    The S - matrix of the polarizer composed of circular waveguide and dielectric plate in arbitrarily states is given with rotation transform .

  24. 从经典电子运动方程着手得到介质的极化率;

    According to the classical equation of motion for the electron , the dielectric susceptibility of the medium is not affected by frequency modulation .

  25. 本文首先根据实验结果和对体极化介质激发极化机理的分析,并由极化率的定义出发,采用与以往不同的方法,提出等效电阻率概念。

    First , the concepts of equivalent resistivity have been put forward on the basis of experimental results and analysis of induced polarization mechanism as well as the definition of the polarizability of volume polarization medium .

  26. 所得结果可以直接应用到椭球导体电场、尖端效应、介质椭球极化以至双极化雷达测量降水问题等,具有相当具体的实用价值。

    The results can be applied directly to electric field of spheroidal conductors , polarization of dielectric spheroid and precipitation measurement by bi-polar radars . Therefore the method is not only of theoretical but practical interests as well .

  27. 给出了平面波在岩土介质中极化的相关角度随频率的变化规律,得出用平均能流密度的方向表示波在岩土中的传播方向。

    The law of polarized angles varied with frequency and the shape of double exponential pulse are presented . We conclude that the direction of plane wave propagation is denoted by the direction of the averaged power flow density .

  28. 以Nd∶YVO4作为激光增益介质,周期极化LiNbO3(PPLN)作为二阶非线性晶体,给出了有关数值计算结果。

    In the numerical calculation , the Nd ∶ YVO_4 is taken as the laser gain medium , and the periodically poled LiNbO_3 ( PPLN ) is taken as the second-order nonlinear crystal .

  29. 测定了蒸镀钛(VE-Ti)、离子镀钛(IP-Ti)、氮化钛(TiN)和添加钇改性的氮化铁(Ti(Y)N)镀层在两种酸性腐蚀介质中的极化曲线;

    The polarization curves , separately in two kinds of acid corrosion medium , of the coatings of vacuum vapor Ti ( VE-Ti ), ionic Ti ( IP-Ti ), TiN and [ Ti ( N ) N ] modified by adding yttrium are measured ;

  30. 钢在土壤介质中的极化曲线的动电位测定法

    Potentiodynamic measurement of polarization curve for steel in the soil media