
  • 网络allelopathy
  1. 播娘蒿对小麦早期生长的生化他感作用研究

    Study on allelopathy of flixweed tansymustard on initial seedling growth of wheat

  2. 森林植物间的他感作用

    Allelopathy of Forest Plants

  3. 木麻黄苗木在木麻黄自身他感作用下,施加Ca(H2PO4)2和KCl后,苗根重量和根系活力均增加,施磷、钾肥有利于缓解木麻黄自身生长抑制,提高其更新生产力。

    Under self-allelopathy of Casuarina , the weight of roots and root activity of Casuarina seedlings were increased after application of P and K. Fertilization can relieve the growth inhibition of Casuarina and improve its productivity .

  4. 三叶鬼针草水抽提物他感作用与降雨量的关系

    Relationship between allelopathic effects of Bidens pilosa aqueous extracts and rainfall

  5. 野生草本植物的水提液对水稻生化他感作用的研究

    Studies on the Allelopathic Effects of Wilding Plants to Oryza Sativa

  6. 木麻黄自身他感作用影响因素及缓解

    Study on Effect Factors and Relief of Self-Allelopathy of Casuarina

  7. 浅谈植物生态学原理中他感作用的园林应用

    A Discussion on the Garden Application of Allelopathy in the Plant-ecological Theory

  8. 化学生态学研究现状和进展(Ⅱ)&植物他感作用和矿质养分化学生态

    The Situation and Development of Chemical Ecology (ⅱ): Allelopathy and Ecology of the

  9. 植物生化他感作用及其在生产实践中的应用

    The allelopathy and its application on the practical produce

  10. 生化他感作用与高寒草甸上人工草场自然退化现象的研究

    Study on Allelopathy and natural degeneration phenomena of artificial grassland on alpine meadow

  11. 毛白杨他感作用的研究

    Studies on allelopathic effects of Chinese white poplar

  12. 橡胶树他感作用初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Allelopathic Effects of Rubber Trees

  13. 这一生物化学上抑制动物或植物的取食被称谓他感作用。

    This biochemical inhibition of feeding by animals or plants is called " allelopathy " .

  14. 利用植物他感作用灭螺效果的研究

    Plant allelopathy effects on Oncomelania hupensis

  15. 他感作用在可持续农业上的应用

    Application of Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture

  16. 不同玉米品种对麦秸覆盖引起的生化他感作用的差异性分析

    A Study on the Variation of Allelopathic Effect of Wheat Straw Mulching on Different Corn Varieties

  17. 苏北地区林粮间作系统的土壤性状及林木对小麦他感作用研究

    Study on Characteristics of Soil and Allelopathy of Agroforestry Systems in the North Part of Jiangsu Province

  18. 几种植物对豚草的生化他感作用水稻化感材料控制稗草的基因定位研究

    THE ALLELOPATHY OF THE EXTRACTS FORM SEVERAL PLANTS ON AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA Genes mapping on rice allelopathy against barnyardgrass

  19. 植物之间的他感作用普遍存在于自然生态系统及栽培生态系统中,在植物资源配置时应充分利用这种相生相克作用;

    The allelopathy effect among plants exists universally in natural and cultivated ecosystem , which should be well utilized in plant farming .

  20. 用毛白杨根系提取液处理大豆、玉米、小麦、花生和常见田间杂草的种子,进行发芽试验,研究毛白杨是否存在他感作用。

    The extract of Chinese white poplar root was used to treat the seeds of soybean , corn , wheat , peanut and weeds .

  21. 植物之间生化他感作用的研究及其应用本文介绍了相生相克的定义,相互抑制和刺激促进现象,作用的影响因素,相生相克化合物种类等。

    Allelopathy is a study on interactions in chemical ecology between plants . This paper generally explains the definition of allelopathy , inhibition and stimulation phenomena , factors of influence , types of allelochemicals .

  22. 粤601和粤701自身他感作用较弱,自毒能力较小。粤501、粤701和惠1对木麻黄他感作用物的抑制作用表现出较强的适应性和抵抗力。

    The self-allelopathy of clone Yue 601 and Yue 701 were weaker than the others , and Yue 501 , Yue 701 and Hui 1 showed strong adaptability and resistance to the inhibition of Casuarina self-allelopathy .

  23. 大豆秸秆对小麦幼苗生长有他感相克作用,而对大豆幼苗生长有自感相生作用,使其生物产量增加19.8%;

    Soybean straw had minus-allelopathic effect on the seedling growth of wheat and plus-allelopathic effect on soybean , it decreased the biological yield for19.8 % .