
  • 网络Compete for competition;Scramble competition;contest competition
  1. 因此,我特别渴望能使上新款的黑莓手机&有些机型已经面市,有些机型即将面市。RIM推出这些机型是为了争夺竞争日益激烈的智能手机市场。

    So I was particularly keen to get my hands on the new BlackBerry devices – some already launched , some about to be launched – that are designed to compete in the increasingly competitive smartphone market .

  2. 虽然钱伯斯提出了上述警告,他还是以一种非常乐观的预期为自己作为一家硅谷大型企业CEO的漫长生涯做了总结。钱伯斯声称,思科会在随后几年,通过争夺竞争对手的销售份额获得增长。

    Despite the warning , Mr Chambers capped his stint as the longest-serving CEO of a big Silicon Valley company with a bullish projection , claiming that Cisco would feed its growth by taking sales from competitors in the coming years .

  3. 随着石化工业的快速发展,国外大公司凭借着技术、资金和服务的优势,在国内快速扩张,SW公司面临的将是国际和国内石化产品的市场争夺竞争。

    As soon as the rapidly development of the petroleum chemical industry , the overseas great companies depend on their advantage of the technology , funds and services , develops rapidly in China . SW is facing the market competition .

  4. 当今的国际贸易市场瞬息万变,跨国公司的商品生产销售转移决策已经成为其打入国际市场,争夺竞争地位的关键因素。

    Today , international trade market changed acutely , the production and sale decisions of multinational corporation become the key factor in scrabbling for international market .

  5. 习惯于高增长的运营商们不得不加大投资力度,开发新业务,以期望挖掘潜在市场,争夺竞争对手用户。

    The operators who are used to high-speed have to invest more money to develop new services as to discover the new underlying market and dispute the consumers from the competitors .

  6. 特别分析了一般企业与高科技企业争夺竞争性资源的现状,探讨了我国高科技企业的捕食规律和生存轨迹以及资源瓶颈问题。

    We especially analyze the survivorship status quo of general enterprises and high-tech enterprises , then discusses the preying rule , survivorship contrail and the bottle-neck problems of high-tech enterprises in China ;

  7. 争夺职位竞争永远是激烈的。

    There is always fierce competition for places .

  8. 所以,常规组织不仅在内部存在着资源竞争的问题,而且在常规组织之间,出于资源争夺的竞争可能更为激烈。

    So the competition exists not only in the organization but also among the organizations .

  9. 行业内为争夺市场竞争日趋激烈,直接体现在对渠道成员和供应商合作关系的争夺上。

    The market competition becomes increasingly fierce , directly reflected in the competition of relationships with channel members and suppliers .

  10. 众所周知,未来企业之间真正的竞争是企业人才之间的争夺和竞争。

    As everyone knows , the real competition among enterprises in the future is the enterprise personnel rivalry and competition .

  11. 与十年前相比,人口过剩加重了环境负担,引发了对食品、水、能源和土地的争夺和竞争。

    Compared with a decade ago , there have been growing concerns that overpopulation is exacerbating environmental pressures and triggering conflicts and competition for food , water , energy and land .

  12. 与外资银行争夺客户的竞争战略

    Competitive Strategy of Contending for Customers with Foreign - Funded Bank

  13. 对于公司或企业来说,互相之间的竞争已从质量上的竞争转到了争夺客户的竞争上来了。

    The competition among enterprises has transferred pursuing quality to strive client .

  14. 企业与企业之间的竞争已经逐渐演变成为争夺客户的竞争。

    The competition among enterprises has gradually evolved into a competition for customers .

  15. 两家美国电影娱乐公司已经进入争夺利物浦的竞争。

    Two US-based entertainment executives with Merseyside roots have entered the race for control of liverpool .

  16. 而企业竞争归根结底是争夺客户的竞争,客户是企业取得竞争优势最重要的因素。

    The root of enterprise competition is for customers , gaining customers is the most important factor .

  17. 在硅谷,这类问题可能尤为严重,因为这儿争夺人才的竞争非常激烈。

    These problems can be especially acute in Silicon Valley , where competition for talent is intense .

  18. 随着企业间争夺市场份额竞争的加剧,企业间的竞争越来越残酷。

    As firms compete for market share competition intensifies , more and more brutal competition among enterprises .

  19. 进入21世纪,旅游目的地的竞争实际上是争夺客源的竞争。

    Entering into the 21st century , the competition of tourist destination is actually contest of winning customers .

  20. 但随着亚洲地区的许多航空公司纷纷增加往返太平洋两岸的航班,各航空公司争夺客源的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    But competition for passengers has intensified as many of the region 's airlines expanded their own flights across the Pacific .

  21. 随着市场竞争的加剧,人们越来越深刻的认识到,市场竞争就是企业争夺客户的竞争。

    As market competition intensifies , people become increasingly aware of the competition in the market is the enterprise competition for customers .

  22. 这种通过低价策略争夺货源的竞争,导致港口利用率下降,港口收益受到损失。

    This strategy of competing through the supply of low-cost competition , resulting in decreased utilization of the port , port revenue loss .

  23. 但分析人士称,争夺消费者的竞争加剧,导致新游戏取得成功的难度加大。

    But the increased competition for consumers " attention , analysts say , has made it more difficult to break through with new games .

  24. 这使得世界范围内钢铁工业的前景发生不可逆转的变化,可以预料在联合钢厂和小型钢厂之间将展开一场激烈争夺市场的竞争。

    So prospect of iron and steel industry will be irreversible changes , we can expect that there will have a intense competition for market between union steelworks on mini-steelworks .

  25. 随着经济的全球化,人口、资本和企业的流动越来越快,区域之间争夺资源的竞争也趋于白热化。

    With the process of economic globalization , the flow of the population , capital and enterprises is growing faster , regional competition for resources is getting more and more intensive .

  26. 由于越来越多的地方政府认识到旅游在拉动内需,增加就业,带动相关产业发展等方面的重要作用,城市之间争夺客源的竞争变得越来越激烈。

    As the local governments have realized the important role of tourism in attracting the internal needs and increasing job opportunities and peripheral industry , the competition for the tourists among the cities is getting fierce .

  27. 全业务运营时代竞争是全方位的,现阶段用户的争夺仍然是竞争的焦点,随着电信企业竞争加剧,客户对电信企业的服务需求也随之提高。

    Competition in the era of full-service operation is comprehensive . At this stage , the fight for customers remains the focus of competition . With the intensive competition of telecommunication enterprises , the customers ' demand for telecommunication enterprises has also improved .

  28. 产品与服务质量是满足市场需求和维系组织生存发展的基本条件,质量竞争既是对市场的竞争,更是争夺客户的竞争。

    The quality of service , which is the product of market economy , has become the focus of quality competition and even enterprise competition . Quality is the fundamental of meeting the heterogeneous market demand of different customers and maintaining the survival and development of the organization .

  29. 争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。

    Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda

  30. 因此,成功实施以客户为中心的CRM系统,是各行各业在激烈争夺市场份额的竞争中取胜的关键因素之一。

    Therefore , the successful implementation of customer-centric CRM system is one of the key factors to win the fierce battle for market share in the competition for all walks of life .