
fù kuǎn pínɡ zhènɡ
  • payment voucher
  1. 我们将指导我们的财务部填开付款凭证的样式。

    We will instruct our finance department to issue payment in the fashion .

  2. 所有费用报销单均应附上现金发票/货物清单/付款凭证

    All expenses claims must be accompanied by cash value receipt / invoice / copies of payments

  3. 及时编制收付款凭证,登记银行、现金日记账。

    Make book entries involving in the cash inflow and outflow together with maintain cash and bank journals .

  4. 签认单位工程停工令、复工令、工程付款凭证、工程竣工报验单和工程结算书;

    To endorse stop work order and resume work order for unit work , work payment certificate , work completion reporting sheet and project statement ;

  5. 碰到提现或取现这种既涉及银行又涉及现金的凭证编制付款凭证就行了。

    Encounter carry show or take the proof authorized strength that shows this kind to involve a bank to involve ready money again already to pay the evidence went .

  6. 签发单位工程停工令、复工令,审核并签署验工计价表、工程付款凭证和工程结算书。

    Issue stop work order and resume work order for unit work , examine & approve and sign work acceptance and pricing table , project payment certificate and project statement ;

  7. 在现实生活中,凭证作为记账依据的书面形式,存在于各种场合,如转账凭证、发票凭证、订购凭证、付款凭证等。

    In the real life , as the written form of basis for entries , vouchers exist in various occasions , such as vouchers , invoices , documents , such as the transfer certificates , invoice vouchers , order certificates , proof of payment and so on .

  8. 现金、银行存款日记账,应根据收、付款记账凭证,随时按照业务发生顺序逐笔登记,每日终了应结出余额。

    Journal of cash , bank deposit , should the basis closes , pay proof of charge to an account , chase a pen to register orderly according to business happening at any time , daily cease should written guarantee a remaining sum .

  9. 第二联为发票联,收执方作为付款或收款原始凭证;

    The second form is the invoice form , the receiver uses it as the primitive voucher for paying or receiving money ;