
fù kuǎn
  • payment;make a payment;disburse;remit;pay a sum of money
付款 [fù kuǎn]
  • (1) [pay a sum of money;disburse]∶作为对货物或服务的报酬而支付款项

  • (2) [remit]∶(以即期汇票、付账、汇票等形式)送或寄款给某人或某处

  • 您的账已过期,请付款

付款[fù kuǎn]
  1. 这些非法付款是一位暗中查访的新闻记者发现的。

    The illegal payments were discovered by a journalist working undercover .

  2. 他同意每月付款50英镑,十次付清。

    He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £ 50 .

  3. 贷款的最后一期付款下个星期到期。

    The final instalment on the loan is due next week .

  4. 我在已付款者的姓名旁画了钩。

    I 've ticked the names of the people who have paid .

  5. 他同意每天按规定的数额付款。

    He agreed to pay at specified rates per diem .

  6. 用信用卡付款非常方便。

    It is very convenient to pay by credit card .

  7. 给你的付款将直接贷记你方银行账户。

    You 'll be paid by direct credit into your bank account .

  8. 我有权批准的付款限额为5000英镑。

    I can authorize payments up to £ 5 000 .

  9. 我们以分期付款方式购买一座新炉具。

    We 're buying a new cooker on hire purchase .

  10. 签署一张付款契据就使1英镑价值变为1.33英镑。

    Signing a deed of covenant makes £ 1 worth £ 1.33 .

  11. 请立即付款。

    Payment should be sent by return of post .

  12. 所有的付款须视是否如期完成而定。

    All payments are contingent upon satisfactory completion dates .

  13. 没有人强迫你立刻付款。

    You are under no compulsion to pay immediately .

  14. 付款必须用英国银行承兑的汇票。

    Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank .

  15. 他们未能继续按时交付这笔分期付款。

    They were unable to keep up the instalments .

  16. 见发票即付款,将不胜感激。

    Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated .

  17. 逾期付款必须支付利息。

    Interest will be charged for late payment .

  18. 确切的付款方法以后再作决定。

    The exact mechanics of how payment will be made will be decided later .

  19. 本价格可按月分期付款。

    The price is payable in monthly instalments .

  20. 请货到付款。

    Please pay for goods on delivery .

  21. 这家旅馆接受信用卡付款吗?

    Does the hotel take credit cards ?

  22. 付款期限为10月1日。

    Payment is due on 1 October .

  23. 按照合同规定,你必须在月底前付款。

    You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month .

  24. 我能用支票付款吗?

    May I pay by cheque ?

  25. 请在交款处付款。

    Please pay at the till .

  26. 他们一向按时付款。

    They always pay punctually .

  27. 他没能按时付款,面临着失去房子的危险。

    He faces losing his home after falling behind with the payments

  28. 你可以一次付清或先付最低分期偿付款。

    You can pay it off or make a minimum repayment .

  29. 米兰银行决定改变付款贷记的方式。

    Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts

  30. 如果28天之内不付款,就会自然生息。

    If you do not pay within 28 days , interest will accrue