
fù kuǎn tí shì
  • presentment for payment
  1. 凡因执票人不能控制之情况,及非因其错漏、处理不当或疏忽而引致迟作付款提示,则可予免究。

    Delay in making presentment for payment is excused when the delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the holder , and not imputable to his default , misconduct , or negligence .

  2. 为使本票之背书人负责,执票人必须作付款提示。

    Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable .

  3. 他则须于作付款提示前,先作承兑提示。

    It must be presented for acceptance before it can be presented for payment .

  4. 汇票正式作付款提示而被拒付款或未能取得款项;或汇票免作提示,而该票已过期及仍未获付款。

    When it is duly presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained ; or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid .

  5. 凡开具的汇票完全符合本规定的条款,一经向付款银行提示并提交本所规定的有关单据,本银行同意向贵方履行付款责任。

    We hereby guarantee that drafts drawn in compliance with the terms and conditions of this credit shall be duly paid at maturity .

  6. 第四十条见票后付款之汇票提示之期限。

    See ticket for payment after the40th article of the bill prompted the deadline .

  7. 提示代收行或持票人将汇票出示并提交给受票人,要求承兑或付款的行为叫做提示。

    Presentation , presentment : The collecting bank or the holder of a draft shows and hands over it to the drawee for acceptance or payment .

  8. 它则须于汇票所载之付款地点办理拒绝付款证书,而不必再向付款人作付款提示或要求付款。我今天不能付款给你。

    " it must be protested for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be payable , and no further presentment for payment to , or demand on , the drawee is necessary . " I can 't pay you today .