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  1. 我们在这些政策上意见一致,决心努力付诸实行。

    We are united on these policies and determined to carry them through .

  2. 他将留意你的计划是否很快付诸实行。

    He will see to it was that your plans quickly put into effect .

  3. 他们把计划付诸实行了吗?

    Have they put their plan into practice ?

  4. 能看到自己的许多想法被付诸实行真的很棒。

    And it was great to see so many of my ideas put into action .

  5. 他们经济改革的计划要付诸实行是不大可能的。

    It is unlikely that their blueprint for economic reform will be put into action .

  6. 智囊团原则无法在气氛不和谐的环境中付诸实行。

    The " Master Mind " principle cannot obtain where PERFECT HARMONY does not prevail .

  7. 纪录这些改善措施并认真付诸实行,并应用到生活中。

    Record those improving measures and put them into practice , and apply them into life .

  8. 我很快将把我的计画付诸实行,然后永远摆脱他腐蚀的存在!

    Soon I will put my plan into action , and be rid of his caustic presence forever !

  9. 其中23份报告书的全部或部分建议已经付诸实行。

    The recommendations in 23 of its reports have been implemented , either in whole or in part .

  10. 天才有着绝顶的想法,而这些想法必须被付诸实行,即若它们是完全不道德的。

    The genius has outstanding ideas , and they must be implemented , even if they are completely amoral .

  11. 只有在国外经营可以获利的情况下,对外直接投资项目才能付诸实行。

    Only when reliable access to outside financing is available can a project for foreign direct investment be termed viable .

  12. 然而,能否将计划付诸实行将是另一更大的挑战。

    Yet , implementation of their plan to set up a social enterprise will obviously be an even greater challenge .

  13. 减少风险的方案亦已一一备妥或付诸实行。这些措施大大减少市民承受的风险。

    Plans for risk reduction have been completed or are being implemented and have substantially reduced the risk to the public .

  14. 它展示了类关系图、各种配置文件和显示如何将上述设计付诸实行的代码片段。

    It shows the class diagram , the various configuration files and code snippets to show how the above design is put into practice .

  15. 获选的建议有助节省部门财政开支及提升工作效率,全部均已付诸实行,成效令人鼓舞。

    The successful suggestions helped to bring about financial savings and improvement in work efficiency in the Department and were all implemented with rewarding results .

  16. 我们已经找到了一群出色的演员,他们透过音乐完全自在地取得协调,而你可以将其付诸实行(指现场演唱)的唯一方法就是透过捕捉那关键的瞬间。

    We have found an amazing group of actors , who completely at home attune through music , and the only way you can make that work is by capturing the moment .

  17. 按情况所需就已制订的效率及效益指标定下服务表现目标,法援署可从而得知该等指标在付诸实行时能否达到目标。

    For the efficiency and effectiveness indicators developed , set performance targets where appropriate so that the lad will know whether , in the process of implementation , the targets are being achieved .

  18. 在整个战斗过程中发号施令的也不是拿破仑,因为他的战斗部署没有一条是付诸实行的,而且在战斗中间他不知道他前面的情况。

    And it was not Napoleon who ordained the course of the battle , because none of his instructions were put into execution , and he knew nothing of what was passing before him .

  19. 接受消费者教育的权利获取充足的消费信息,在有议价能力的基础上作出明智的购买决定,以及知道消费者应有的基本权责和付诸实行。

    The right to consumer education - To acquire knowledge and skills needed to make informed , confident choices about goods and services , while being aware of basic consumer rights and responsibilities and how to act on them .

  20. 发明家除了运用他们的大脑从事劳动外,通常还要用他们的手从事很多劳动,在他们的思想能够成功地付诸实行以前,他们必须制作一些模型和做一些实验。

    Inventors , besides the labour of their brains , generally go through much labour with their hands , in the models which they construct and the experiments they have to make before their idea can realize itself successfully in act .

  21. 多源流模型分析框架主要用于分析政策制定过程中各个影响因素对于一项政策的最终形成产生的影响,以及政策从最初产生意向到最终付诸实行的一个完整过程。

    In conclusion , we found many origin model analysis framework is mainly used in analysis policy formulation process each factors for a policy finally formed the impact , as well as policy from the original intention to eventually produced a complete process being implemented .

  22. 这些建议得到了采纳,并付诸于实行。

    These suggestions were adopted and put into effect .