
We are united on these policies and determined to carry them through .
He will see to it was that your plans quickly put into effect .
Have they put their plan into practice ?
And it was great to see so many of my ideas put into action .
It is unlikely that their blueprint for economic reform will be put into action .
The " Master Mind " principle cannot obtain where PERFECT HARMONY does not prevail .
Record those improving measures and put them into practice , and apply them into life .
Soon I will put my plan into action , and be rid of his caustic presence forever !
The recommendations in 23 of its reports have been implemented , either in whole or in part .
The genius has outstanding ideas , and they must be implemented , even if they are completely amoral .
Only when reliable access to outside financing is available can a project for foreign direct investment be termed viable .
Yet , implementation of their plan to set up a social enterprise will obviously be an even greater challenge .
Plans for risk reduction have been completed or are being implemented and have substantially reduced the risk to the public .
It shows the class diagram , the various configuration files and code snippets to show how the above design is put into practice .
The successful suggestions helped to bring about financial savings and improvement in work efficiency in the Department and were all implemented with rewarding results .
We have found an amazing group of actors , who completely at home attune through music , and the only way you can make that work is by capturing the moment .
For the efficiency and effectiveness indicators developed , set performance targets where appropriate so that the lad will know whether , in the process of implementation , the targets are being achieved .
And it was not Napoleon who ordained the course of the battle , because none of his instructions were put into execution , and he knew nothing of what was passing before him .
The right to consumer education - To acquire knowledge and skills needed to make informed , confident choices about goods and services , while being aware of basic consumer rights and responsibilities and how to act on them .
Inventors , besides the labour of their brains , generally go through much labour with their hands , in the models which they construct and the experiments they have to make before their idea can realize itself successfully in act .
In conclusion , we found many origin model analysis framework is mainly used in analysis policy formulation process each factors for a policy finally formed the impact , as well as policy from the original intention to eventually produced a complete process being implemented .
These suggestions were adopted and put into effect .