
  • the Legend of Sword and Fairy
  1. 今年的《仙剑奇侠传5》将延续以往系列的高质量。

    This year 's Chinese Paladin 5 is expected to maintain the franchise 's high quality .

  2. 继胡歌与霍建华之后,《仙剑奇侠传5》的主演韩东君会成为下一名仙剑巨星么?

    After Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua , will Han Dongjun , who will play the lead in Chinese Paladin 5 , be the next big Paladin star ?

  3. 主要营业项目为各类游戏软件开发,代表作品有:仙剑奇侠传系列、大富翁系列。

    The Main Business for the company is all types of game software development ; the most recognizable works are : the Paladin series and the Tycoon series .

  4. 胡歌于1982年出生于上海徐汇区,并于2001年被上海戏剧学院录取,在2005年因饰演由电脑游戏改编的同名电视剧《仙剑奇侠传》的男主角之后一炮走红。

    Born in Shanghai 's Xuhui District in 1982 , he was admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy in 2001 and immediately skyrocketed to stardom in 2005 after playing the leading actor in Chinese Paladin , a TV series based on a popular role play game of the same name .