
  1. 据《金融时报》报道,今年一月份,也就是第一季度初,王者荣耀的日活跃用户数达5000万人,比精灵宝可梦GO全盛时期的日活跃用户数还要多。

    In January this year , at the very start of Q1 , the Financial Times reported that Honor of Kings had 50 million DAUs - more than Pokemon Go at its peak .

  2. 智能手机游戏《王者荣耀》(HonorofKings)被列为全球收入最高的游戏,它显示了腾讯的免费增值模式(freemium)奏效。

    Smartphone game " Honor of Kings , " tipped as the world 's top earner , shows Tencent 's freemium model at work .

  3. 《王者荣耀》是一款多玩家对战网游。

    King of Glory is a multi-player online battle game .

  4. 官方媒体《光明日报》日前刊登了一篇文章,指责《王者荣耀》“歪曲历史”。

    State media outlet Guangming Daily published an article blaming the game for " distorting history . "

  5. 人民日报网络版于周二两次发文谴责“王者荣耀”。

    The People 's Daily online edition posted its condemnation of " King of Glory " twice on Tuesday .

  6. 按照手机游戏收益排名,《王者荣耀》、《梦幻西游》和《部落冲突:皇室战争》位列前三。

    King of Glory , Fantasy Westward Journey and Clash Royale are the top three mobile games , ranked by revenue .

  7. 在日活跃用户数方面,腾讯相信王者荣耀已跻身世界上最受欢迎的游戏之列。

    Tencent stated its belief that Honor of Kings is among the most popular games in the world in terms of DAUs .

  8. 据称,《王者荣耀》每日活跃用户约为5000万人,其中20%是00后。

    It is thought to have about 50 million active users every day , with 20 % of them born after the 2000 .

  9. 日前,腾讯广受欢迎的网游《王者荣耀》受到了中国媒体的严厉批评,称其毒害了年轻人。

    Tencent 's hugely popular online game " King of Glory " received heavy-handed criticism from Chinese media as being poison to young people .

  10. 近日,中国畅玩手游《王者荣耀》被指没有准确表述中国历史,从而受到了指责。

    A popular Chinese mobile game , " King of Glory , " has come under fire for allegedly promoting an inaccurate representation of ancient Chinese history .

  11. 它将通过微信、视频以及包括长城守卫军在内的《王者荣耀》新人物系列宣传这项工作。

    It will promote the work through WeChat and videos , as well as its new series of characters in the game , including Great Wall guardians .

  12. 腾讯开发的火爆手机电子竞技游戏《王者荣耀》承诺出资修复长1600公里的箭扣长城。

    The hot mobile e-sports game , King of Glory , developed by Tencent , pledged to fund the program to restore the 1600 km Jiankou Great Wall .

  13. 文章称,尽管《王者荣耀》使用了中国历史上许多著名人物,但是却完全歪曲了这些人物的真实事迹和身份。

    The article claimed that , despite using many famous names from Chinese history , " King of Glory " completely misrepresented the figures ' true stories and status .

  14. 腾讯在微博上引用了“王者荣耀”制作人李旻的话对此进行反击,李旻坚决主张,这款游戏的设计完全符合政府规定。

    Tencent hit back in a Weibo post quoting " King of Glory " producer Li Min , who insisted that the game 's design fully complied with government requirements .

  15. 腾讯在智能手机游戏上的收益攀升至129亿元(19亿美元),从很大程度上是由于穿越火线等手游的成功,特别是王者荣耀。

    Smartphone game revenue climbed to ¥ 12.9 billion ( $ 1.9 billion ) , thanks in no small part to the success of CrossFire Mobile and , particularly , Honour of Kings .

  16. 据该报报道,在《王者荣耀》中,唐朝著名诗人李白变成了刺客、春秋名医扁鹊变成了下毒高手。

    According to the newspaper , famous poet Li Bai from the Tang Dynasty became an assassin , while noted doctor Bian Que from the Spring and Autumn Period was cast as an expert on poison .

  17. 目前腾讯集团是游戏领域的最大赢家,其中有五款排名前十的游戏都有腾讯参与支持:《王者荣耀》、《部落冲突:皇室战争》、《部落战争》、《糖果粉碎传奇》和《天龙八部》。

    Tencent Holdings Ltd. is currently the biggest winner in the sector , backing five games among the top ten : King of Glory , Clash Royale , Clash of Clans , Candy Crush Saga and Tianlongbabu .

  18. 不过,也有一些人则对这一批评予以了反击,认为游戏就应该创新,而且《王者荣耀》并不是以任何特定历史时期为背景的。

    However , some hit back at the accusation , arguing that games are supposed to be creative , and that " King of Glory " doesn 't purport to be set in any specific historical period .

  19. 根据最新数据,《恋与制作人》在苹果应用商店下载量榜单上碾压了《王者荣耀》,也在微博上取代《王者》,成为讨论度最高的游戏。

    According to the latest figures , Love and Producer not only overtook the smash hit Honour of Kings on the Apple store 's free download charts , but also replaced it as the most talked about game on Weibo .

  20. 在人民日报对腾讯发出严厉指责,猛烈抨击其爆红网游“王者荣耀”为年轻人的“毒药”后,腾讯于周二在香港证券交易所遭受了140亿美元的巨额损失。

    Tencent suffered a dramatic loss of $ 14 billion on the Hong Kong stock exchange Tuesday after heavy-handed criticism from People 's Daily , which slammed the company 's hugely popular online game " King of Glory " as being " poison " to young people .