
  • 网络Princess Diana
  1. 设计也突出了哈利王子的特点,包含了三个来自斯宾塞家族的小的红色贝壳,这代表了他的母亲,已故王妃戴安娜。

    The design also features Prince Harry 's label and includes three tiny red escallops from the Spencer family arms , representing his mother , the late Princess Diana .

  2. 日前,英国已故王妃戴安娜的验尸官、男爵夫人巴特勒-斯洛斯宣布辞去戴妃验尸官一职。巴特勒-斯洛斯此前表示,她不能胜任主持一个有陪审团参与的立场鲜明的死因听证会。

    Baroness Butler-Sloss is to step down as coroner for the Princess Diana inquest after admitting she feels she is not up to conducting such a high profile jury hearing .

  3. 英国已故王妃戴安娜排名第8。

    The late diana , Princess of Wales was in eighth place .

  4. 她表示,两位王子(已故王妃戴安娜之子)在多次充当模特的过程中是“的伙伴”。

    She said the princes-the sons of the late Princess Diana-were " very good company " during the repeated sittings .

  5. 前世界1号网球选手莫妮卡塞莱斯谈到了威尔斯王妃戴安娜丧生的悲剧,塞莱斯本人也一直是世界传媒的靶子。

    Former world number one tennis player Monica seles , herself a target of the world 's press , speaks of the tragic death of diana , Princess of wales .

  6. 他的名字是:哈里王子。哈里是前王妃戴安娜和威尔士的次子,也是继其父威尔士和其兄威廉之后的王位的第三继承人。

    His name : Prince Harry , second son of the late Diana , Princess of Wales , and third in line to the throne after his father , Prince Charles , and his older brother William .

  7. 1997年,英国王妃戴安娜及其男友多迪·法耶兹不幸在巴黎车祸中丧生。最近,多迪的父亲穆罕默德·法耶兹表示,他为戴安娜和多迪精心打造的一座雕像不久将在伦敦市中心的哈罗斯百货公司展出。

    A statue of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed , who died together in a Paris car crash in1997 , will soon be displayed at Harrods department store in central London , owner Mohamed al Fayed says .

  8. 威廉王子,英国皇位第二继承人,将母亲(已故王妃戴安娜,1997年在巴黎死于一场车祸)当年的戒指送给了未婚妻米德尔顿作为订婚戒指。

    The prince , the second-in-line to the throne , gave Miss Middleton the engagement ring belonging to his mother , the late Diana , Princess of Wales , who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997 .

  9. 作为人民的王妃,戴安娜令所有认识她的人为她着迷。

    Known as " the people 's princess ," Diana captivated all who knew her .

  10. 数百万人观看了被誉为“人民的王妃”戴安娜的葬礼。有一点非常清楚:戴妃作为受拥戴的偶像和人道主义者留给世人的遗产将继续在世间流传。

    As millions watched the funeral of the Royal they called " The People 's Princess " one thing was clear : Diana 's legacy as a popular icon and humanitarian was going to endure .