
  • 网络intra-generational equity;intragenerational equity;intrageneration equity
  1. 从公平的主体来看,公平包括了代内公平和代际公平。

    Judging from the main body of a fair , justice is including the intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity .

  2. 公平包括代内公平和代际公平,公平的缺失会导致福利的损失。

    Equity is the soul of social security , including intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity , inequity will lead to loss of welfare losses .

  3. 环境公平包括代内公平和代际公平。

    The environmental equity theory includes generational equity and intergenerational equity .

  4. 代内公平、国际贸易与可持续发展

    Intragenerational Equity , International Trade and Sustainable Development

  5. 二是公平性原则,在分配资源和占有财富上兼顾代内公平与代际公平;

    The second one is principle of equity .

  6. 代内公平对实现持续发展具有十分重要的意义。

    In fact intra-generation fairness is very significant to the realization of sustainable development .

  7. 论代内公平与代际公平

    Study on Within-generation Fair and Inter-generation Fair

  8. 代内公平的实现至少需要国家内部的和国家之间的两个层次的社会体制来保证和强化。

    The reality of justice in internal generation at least needs the guarantee and consolidation of state systems and international society systems .

  9. 它包括代际公平、代内公平、可持续利用、环境和经济一体化四个基本理论要素。

    It includes four basis factors : equity in generation , equity between generation , abiding utilization , the unity of environment and economy .

  10. 可持续发展观肯定了发展的基础和核心地位,揭示了发展与环境的辨证关系,强调代际公平和代内公平观念。

    The view of sustainable development affirms development 's basic and central place , poses dialectic relation between development and environment , and emphasizes the concepts of intergenerational fairness and contemporary fairness .

  11. 而且这种发展又必须是可持续的,发展必须兼顾同样被规定为权利的环境权,关注有关环境的代内公平和代际公平问题。

    On the other hand , the development must be sustainable . We must also give consideration to the rights of environment and pay close attention to the inner-generation and inter-generation equity related to environment .

  12. 而可持续发展的公平是代内公平与代际公平的统一,可持续发展的效率是经济效率、生态效率和社会效率的统一。

    However the equity in the sustainable development is the unification of equity in the same era and different era . The efficiency in the sustainable development is the unification of economic efficiency and ecological efficiency and social efficiency .

  13. 本文以两时期生命周期模型为分析框架,考察引入消费信贷市场对居民节能投资行为、最低能效标准制定以及代内公平的影响。

    Using a two - stage lifecycle model , the paper studies how the introduction of a consumption credit market may influence households'energy conservation behavior , the permissible level of minimum energy - efficiency standards , and intra - generational equity .

  14. 然而,传统的处理代内公平的方法,由于基于的时间尺度是相对于后代偏向当代的静止原理,所以在处理代际公平问题时是不合适,或无能为力的。

    However , as the traditional methods dealing with intragenerational equity are based on the stationarity axioms which uses the temporal scale preferring the present generation relative to the coming generations , they become inappropriate and incompetent when they meet the intergenerational equity problem .

  15. 从应然的角度来说,合理利用是公平利用国际水资源的必然要求和重要内容,但是从实然的角度来说,公平利用只注重代内公平,不等于合理利用,两者的侧重点并不相同。

    From the perspective of which must to be , reasonable utilization is the necessity and important content of equitable utilization . From the perspective of which is to be , equitable utilization which pays only attention to intragenerational equity is not as same as reasonable utilization .

  16. 可持续经济发展资源配置的核心要求,是做到代内公平与代际公平的统一,这也是衡量可持续经济发展资源配置是否优化的最基本标准。

    The most primary demand of resources disposition of the sustainable economic development is to achieve the unification of the fair within a generation and the fair among the generations . So it becomes the most basic standard to measure the resources fine disposition of the sustainable economic development .

  17. 以城市交通系统资源代际转移模型探析了城市交通系统的代际公平性,以城市交通自然资源消耗公平性模型和城市区域交通发展均衡度模型分析了城市交通系统的代内公平性。

    With the transfer between generations model of urban traffic system resources , it analyzes the impartiality between generations . With the impartiality model of the urban traffic natural resources consumption , and the urban district traffic proportional development model , it analyzes the urban traffic im partiality inner generation .

  18. 心理学的心理学可持续发展中代内心理不公平分析

    Analyse on unfair psychology of the same generation during sustainable development

  19. 代内心理不公平是人类可持续发展中产生有意破坏行为的重要原因。

    The unfair psychology of the same generation is one of the most important reasons for human being 's intentional destroying .

  20. 人文发展的基本需要途径从满足基本需要和限制奢侈浪费性排放出发,充分利用技术在实现低碳发展方面的潜力,保障气候目标的实现和代内与代际公平。

    The approach of basic needs for human development requires the satisfaction of basic necessities and restriction of luxurious and wasteful consumptions . The potential of low carbon development can be realizable through full use of technologies for the protection of climate and inter-and intra-generational equity .

  21. 作为法律价值的一部分,可持续发展追求代内与代际的公平。

    As a factor of value , sustainable development calls for the concern of people at the current time and in the future .