
  1. 呜呼!盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉?(欧阳修《新五代史》)

    Alas for the law of prosperity and decline ! although regarded as heaven 's decree , is it not truly the handiwork of men ?

  2. 《新五代史》研究

    The Study of a New History of the Five Dynasties

  3. 隋唐五代史研究的一个新概念、新认识&《唐末五代的代北集团》评介

    A Review of the Book Dai Bei Bloc During the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties

  4. 唐前五代史与唐初政治

    History of the Five Dynasties before the Tang Dynasty and the Politics of the Early Tang Dynasty

  5. 诗作于1775年,描写了《旧五代史》的排纂编次过程。

    The poem was written in 1775 and describes the process of the compilation of the set .

  6. 其中隋唐五代史占全书的40%,史料价值很高。

    History of Sui and Tang Dynasties accounted for40 % of the book , a high historical value .

  7. 《中图法》中国通史与各代史分类探析

    Classification Method Analysis about Comprehensive History of China and Every Dynasties ' History of China in Chinese Library Classification

  8. 《新编五代史平话》(以下简称《平话》)一书,语料价值颇高,在近代汉语研究上有着不可忽视的地位。

    The New Edition of Tales from the Five Dynasties , with high Corpus Value , plays a key role in modern Chinese .

  9. 本文主旨是通过对《新五代史》编纂特点的考察,揭示历史编纂与史家、时代的关系。

    The article aims at revealing relations between history compiling , historiographer and times through inspecting compiling feature in NEW HISTORY FIVE KINGDOMS .

  10. 史学家魏澹、王劭、牛弘等对纂修前代史和当代史做了大量工作。

    The historians , Wei Zhan , Wang Shao and Niu Hong , did a lot to compile the history of former dynasty and contemporary dynasty .

  11. 基于此,把它界定为介于前代史剧与政治时事剧之间的一种新型史剧&现代历史剧。

    For this , we define it as a kind of new-type history drama between the former generation history drama and the political current events drama .

  12. 二是将散佚已久的《旧五代史》辑编成书,并为后人提供了宝贵的辑佚方法和经验;

    Second , he compiled Old Five-Dynasties history which have scattered for a long time , and he offered some precious means and experience for the latter .

  13. 他不仅在现实生活中反对佛教,也在最能代表其政治、史学思想的《新五代史》中,再次表明了其捍卫儒家道统的排佛立场。

    In his historical work-A Study of A New History of the Five Dynasties , the standpoint about guarding Confucianism and defeating Buddhism thoroughly was showed again .

  14. 在二十四部正史中,由欧阳修主编和独撰的就有两部,其中《新五代史》最足以代表欧阳修的史学思想。

    Of the twenty-four official history works , 2 were edited or written by Ouyang Xiu , of which A New History of the Five Dynasties is enough to represent his historical thinking .

  15. 欧阳修在那儿写了《新五代史》。在10世纪的五代时期,政乱几乎持续了整个世纪。

    There he wrote the Xin Wudai Shi ( " New History of the Five Dynasties " ) , a history of a period of political chaos lasting through almost the entire 10th century .

  16. 赵翼论新、旧《五代史》的文献价值与史学价值本论文即以《玉照新志》为研究对象,进行较系统的研究,以期充分认识该书的文献价值。

    Zhao Yi 's Comment on the Value of the Historical Literature and the Historical Studies in the New and Old Books of the History of the Five Dynasties we lack thorough research with it 's historical data value .

  17. 通过儒学复兴运动下欧阳修对《易经》、《春秋》的理解以及正统论的阐述,抓住了贯穿《新五代史》的哲学、政治思想主线。

    The way he understood The Book of Change and Spring and Autumn in the wake of Confucian Revival and his explanation of " orthodoxy " display the philosophical , political and ideological guide-line running through the New History ;

  18. 本文首先指出了《中图法》第四版中国通史与各代史类目体系和分类方法所存在的不足之处,然后探讨了相应的改进方法。

    This article first indicates that there are some flaws in the classification system and the classification method of comprehensive history of China and every dynasties ' history of China in Chinese Library Classification ( 4th edition ), then researches on relative method to improve .

  19. 青藏高原晚新生代植被史及其气候特征

    Late Cenozoic vegetational history and climatic characteristics of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  20. 塔里木盆地东南缘中新生代变形史与构造演化

    Deformation History and Tectonic Evolution of Southeastern Tarim Basin in Mesozoic and Cenozoic

  21. 喀什凹陷新生代沉降史研究及其地质效应分析

    Study of Cenozoic Subsidence History of Kashi Depression

  22. 电影留在晚生代亦史亦诗史诗兼融&试论影视传记片的美学特征

    Aesthetic Features of Biographic Films and TVs

  23. 隋、唐、五代测绘史考东晋南朝隋唐诗僧丛考

    Research of the Surveying and Mapping Histories of the Sui , Tang , the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

  24. 方法:按WHO1980标准,收集江苏苏南地区2型糖尿病多发家系99个,进行3代家族史和血统成员的调查研究。

    Methods : According to WHO 1980 criteria , 99 type 2 diabetes probands with family history of diabetes for generations were recruited from South Jiangsu Province .

  25. 早新生代是地质史上最后一个温室气候期,随后南极冰盖形成,地球进入到晚新生代冰期。

    Early Cenozoic is the last green-house climate in geological history .

  26. 晚唐五代贾岛接受史研究

    The Acceptance History of Jia Dao from Late Tang to Wu Dai

  27. 家族中有近三代近亲结婚史。

    Consanguinuous marriage was confirmed in her close three generations .

  28. 合肥盆地中新生代三维埋藏史分析

    3-D Burial History Analysis of Hefei Basin since Mesozoic

  29. 东南亚地质构造特征和南海地区新生代构造发展史

    The geological tectonic characteristics in SE Asia area and Cenozoic tectonic history in the South China Sea

  30. 魏晋南北朝隋唐五代词源学史述略

    On the History of Etymology in the Periods of Wei , Jin , the South and North dynasties , Sui , Tang and the Five Dynasties