
  • 网络Generation of charge
  1. 收费信息借助GPRS网络传输到网络银行,再进行相应的代收费。

    The toll is completed according tolling information which was transmitted to Net Bank by the existing GPRS network .

  2. 银行代收费数据仓库系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data Warehouse System of Bank Proxy Fee

  3. 银行综合代收费业务实时处理系统简介

    The Introduction of Integrated Agent Service System and Its Application in Bank

  4. 银行代收费系统的终端控制原理及设计

    The Principle and Design of Bank Collection Fee System

  5. 城乡一体银行代收费的有线电视用户收费管理系统

    Bank Substitute Charge Cable TV User Charge Management System of City and Village Integration

  6. 基于工作流的电信固定电话代收费管理系统

    Work-Flow Based Telecommunication Account Management System

  7. 电信固定电话代收费管理系统

    Telecommunication account management system

  8. 关于C/S结构的银行端代收费软件的编写

    The Programming Method of the Collection Fee Software about the C / S Structure to the Bank System

  9. 代收费系统与第三方系统协议通信,完成报文的传输,数据共享。

    On behalf of the charging system and third-party system protocol communications , the completion of packet transmission , data sharing .

  10. 严格限制和规范代收费,坚决杜绝、查处一切不合理、不规范收费行为,继续推进规范收费示范区、校创建活动。

    Strictly limit and regulate the collection , and resolutely stop , investigate all unreasonable , irregular charges , continue to promote the fee demonstration areas , school-building activities .

  11. 分析了银行代收费数据仓库建立的必要性,并就银行代收费数据仓库的体系结构和设计方法给出了一套设计与实现的方案。

    This paper analyzed the necessity of building the data warehouse of bank proxy fee . And then give one project of design and implementation of the data warehouse system .

  12. 但是,从纳什均衡的分析模型看,我国银行代收费业务中对付费委托方知情权保护的策略无疑是最差或次差的。

    But from the perspective of Nash equilibrium , the strategy designed to protect the client 's right to know in the bank bill payment service in China is extremely inefficient .

  13. 银行代收费业务中付费委托方知情权保护策略的博弈分析以下所列房价为港元预付价目,已包括政府税及服务费。

    The Client s Right to Know in the Bank Bill Payment Service : An Approach Based on Nash Equilibrium ; The above pre-paid rates are net HK $ including tax & service charge .

  14. 为确保外部评级客观、公正,部分有资金实力中小金融机构选择了买断评级报告的模式,学习评级技术。5.代收费模式应该是未来评级收费发展方向。

    To ensure that the external rating objective , fair , some have financial strength small and medium-sized financial institutions chose to buy out the credit rating report model , learning rating technology . 5 . " collection charges model " should be the future rating charge development direction .

  15. 基于VPS技术的新一代道路收费系统现状及前景

    Current Status and Prospects of the VPS-Based Electronic Toll Collection System

  16. 回顾了道路收费技术的发展历程,详细介绍了基于VPS技术的新一代道路收费系统的技术原理,及其在发达国家和地区的应用现状;

    With a review on the development of the road toll collection technology , this paper discusses in detail about the technical mechanism of the new-generation toll collection system based on Vehicle Positioning System ( VPS ) and its application in the developed countries and areas .

  17. 论文探讨了代建服务收费现状以及测定代建管理费的必要性。

    The paper probes into indispensable of charging for construction agent management , and actuality of construction agent cost or necessary mensuration of charging for construction agent management .

  18. 远传计量收费安全管理系统是以计算机网络为基础的新一代城市自动化计量收费综合管理系统。

    Remote counting and security management system is the new generation of city automatic counting and general management system , based on computer net .

  19. 规定代建制的最低取费标准,即根据项目规模、复杂程度等因素确定不同的取费下限,改变目前简单的将设计概算中建设单位管理费作为代建制企业的收费标准的做法。

    Provide for the minimum charging rate for agent construction system based on the bottom line of charging decided by factors such as project scale and complexity , and change the current practice of simply calculating the management cost in budgetary estimate as the charging of construction agency . 3 .