
  • 网络Educational finance;Educational Financing
  1. 中国教育财政近代化研究

    A Study of the Modernization Process of Educational Finance in China

  2. 共和国教育财政史研究

    Researches in the History of Educational Finance in the PRC

  3. 各级人民政府教育财政拨款的增长应当高于财政经常性收入的增长,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长,保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。

    The people 's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues , that the average expenditure and that the teachers ' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily .

  4. 根据美国教育财政资助委员会(CouncilforAidtoEducation)发布的一项研究,由从2001年到2010年,家长对高等教育的捐助增长了近50%。

    Parent donations to higher education , from 2001 to 2010 , increased by nearly 50 percent , according to a study published by the Council for Aid to Education .

  5. 战后美国K-12教育财政政策的演进&投入与成绩的悖论

    The Evolution of U. S. K-12 Education Finance Policy since World War ⅱ & The Paradox of Investment and Achievement

  6. 生均经费递增法&保障基础教育财政性经费投入的一种设想

    The Supposition of Protecting the Investment of Basic Education Financial Funds

  7. 义务教育财政:能否以省为主

    Compulsory Education Finance : Whether the Province Should Hold Primary Liability

  8. 加强基础教育财政体制的法治化建设;

    Strengthen the legal system construction on basic education finance system ;

  9. 义务教育财政转移支付的目标选择

    Targets Choice of Fiscal Transfer Payment for Compulsory Education in China

  10. 中国大众化高等教育财政政策及其改革问题探讨

    Financial Policy for China 's Mass Higher Education and Its Reform

  11. 拓宽教育财政的收入来源;

    Add the sources of income of public finance of education ;

  12. 农村义务教育财政支出研究

    Research on Fiscal Expenditure in Rural Compulsory Education Areas of China

  13. 论我国义务教育财政转移支付法律制度的完善

    The Improvement of Legal System on Compulsory Education Financial Transfer Payment

  14. 农村义务教育财政体制分析及改进思路

    Analysis of Financial System of Rural Compulsory Education and Its Improvement

  15. 我国教育财政投入的法律保障的研究

    Study on Legal Insurance of Financial Input in Education in China

  16. 本文基于高等教育财政收费制度的基础上,系统的阐述了按收入比例还款型助学贷款目前实施的成效及存在的问题。

    This thesis elucidates effects and problems of the income-contingent loans .

  17. 我国教育财政投融资的实证研究

    The Positive Research of Financial Investment and Financing of Our Country

  18. 试论我国高等教育财政模式的选择

    The Choice of the Financial Mode of Higher Education in China

  19. 现行公共教育财政体制的不足与调整

    Shortage and its Adjustments of the Current Public Education Finance System Reformation

  20. 建立义务教育财政分担机制的必要性分析

    The Necessity of Establishing the System of Sharing the Compulsory Education Cost

  21. 我国教育财政决策机制的路径分析

    Analyzing the Path of Mechanism of Decision-Making on Educational Finance In China

  22. 美国教育财政诉讼中的财政充分问题

    On " Fiscal Adequacy " in American Educational Finance Litigation

  23. 建立规范的基础教育财政转移支付制度;

    Regulate public finance transfer payment scheme on basic education ;

  24. 高职教育财政拨款存在的问题与对策

    On Financial Provision in Higher Vocational Education and its Countermeasures

  25. 中美教育财政制度与应对金融危机的政策比较

    Comparative Analysis of Education Financial System and Policy between China and America

  26. 教育财政政策的目标是保障教育公平。

    The object of education financial policy is to protect Educational equality .

  27. 多级教育财政的博弈行为及效率研究

    Game Action and Efficiency of Educational Finance in Multilevel Government

  28. 我国义务教育财政支出绩效评价研究初探

    The Researches of Chinese Compulsory Education Financial Expenditure Performance Evaluation

  29. 第三部分利用国际比较分析法,试图找出大国间教育财政结构的国际平均值和发展趋势。

    Section 3 comparatively analyzes the international financial structure of public education .

  30. 我国公共教育财政体制改革的进展、问题及对策

    Progress , Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Public Educational Finance System Reform