
  1. 王阳明的本体&工夫论是构成其教育哲学体系的思想主线,也是整个宋明理学本体工夫思想成熟的标志。

    Wang Yangming 's noumenon and endeavor is the lifeline of his philosophy of education , and marks the mature theory of noumenon and endeavor of the idealistic school of the Song and Ming Dynasties .

  2. 新中国成立后,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,在马克思主义指导下,教育哲学的学科体系更加完善和发展,在挖掘民族的教育哲学思想历史的同时,又关注西方教育哲学的发展。

    After the founding of New China in 1949 , especially since the eighties , the disciplinary system of educational philosophy in China has been optimized and developed under the guidance of Marxism .

  3. 深刻思辨高等教育哲学的基本功能是创建高等教育哲学理论体系的重要前提。

    Discussion on the functions of higher education philosophy is the premise on which the theoretical system of higher education philosophy is established .

  4. 20世纪的中国教育哲学,以学习杜威教育哲学思想为初始,后又有马克思主义教育思想的传播,初步建立了教育哲学学科体系。

    In the 20th century , the Chinese educational philosophy started with the introduction of Dewey 's philosophical ideas on education , developed with the dissemination of Marxist thought on education and preliminarily formed its disciplinary system .