
  • 网络educational occupation
  1. 对美国新闻教育职业化的思考

    Thoughts on Professional Orientation of Journalism Education in US

  2. 中国的师道文化随着社会的教育职业活动的产生而产生,并在中国古代及近现代中,不断得到发展。

    Teachers ' professional moral culture has been promoted with China 's social progress .

  3. 高等航海教育职业性特点及面临的问题与对策

    The Professional Characteristics of Higher Navigation Education , the Problems Faced and the Corresponding Measures

  4. 高等教育职业性,要求传统高等教育在促进学术性发展的同时,兼顾职业性的基本诉求;

    The professional aspect of higher education calls for its academic development , while taking into consideration of its professional requirement as well .

  5. 在科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)教育和职业领域,男性数量要大大多于女性,大部分女孩往往在八岁前就对这些领域失去了兴趣。

    Men dramatically outnumber women in science , technology , engineering and math ( STEM ) education and careers , with girls largely losing interest in these topics by age 8 .

  6. TheLeague的大多数新会员将来自老会员推荐,该应用会通过一种算法对申请者的教育与职业等级进行评估。

    With The League , most new membership will come via referrals , and the app will use an algorithm to evaluate applicants ' educational and professional qualifications .

  7. 职业学校的基本功能是开展职业教育和职业资格培训,在我国加入WTO之后,更应大力开展新形势下的职业资格培训,拓展其新领域。

    The basic function of vocational schools is to carry out vocational education and the professional qualification trainning . When after entering WTO , we should greatly develop professional trainning and open up new fields .

  8. 赞比亚技术教育以及职业和创业培训(TechnicalEducation,VocationalandEntrepreneurshipTraining,TEVET)的改革与发展深受国内政治、经济因素影响,每个阶段的改革均与时代背景密切相关。

    The reform and development of Technical Education , Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training ( TEVET ) is influenced by domestic political and economic factors , and each phase of its reform is closely related to the historical background .

  9. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  10. 这个被称为“商业过程咨询(BPA)”的认证项目是AHIP中心为保险教育和职业发展所推出的12个项目中的最新一个。

    The Business Process Advisor ( BPA ) certificate program is the newest of12 designations offered by AHIP 's Center for Insurance Education and Professional Development .

  11. 素质教育呼唤职业中学教育改革的深化

    Quality Education Calls For the Intensification of Secondary Vocational Educational Reform

  12. 高等教育跨越职业代际效应的作用

    The function of higher education to span the intergenerational occupational effect

  13. 浅谈职业学校中的美术教育谈职业学校中的创业教育

    It is shallow to talk the art education of the occupation school

  14. 教育技术职业道德培养策略的研究

    Research on Strategies for Professional Ethics Cultivation of Educational Technology

  15. 现代大学的人文关怀与本科教育的职业取向&由庙堂、象牙塔到普通人的家园

    The Humanistic Concern and Career-Oriented Undergraduate Education at Postmodern Universities

  16. 医学伦理教育在职业生涯规划中的实践探索

    Exploration in the Practice of Medical Ethics Education in Occupational Career Planning

  17. 现代远程教育对职业技术教学模式构建的启示

    Inspirations of Modern Distance Education on the Teaching Mode of Vocational Education

  18. 所以建立适应终身教育的职业教育发展模式具有极其重要的意义。

    So it is necessary to build the developing mode of professional education .

  19. 社会保险教育高等职业学校,柏林

    Upper Vocational School for Social Insurance Education , Berlin

  20. 风险态度与教育和职业选择行为&一个实验方法的研究案例

    An Experimental Study on Risk Attitude and Choice Behavior of Education and Career

  21. 工业教育及职业训练非教职人员工会

    Technical Education and Vocational Training Non-Teaching Staff Union

  22. 应该是涵盖职业理想和道德教育、职业生涯指导、从业能力培养等方面内容在内的系统性教育;

    Should be systematic , covering ethic education , career guidelines , working abilities ;

  23. 双证书教育是职业教育的特色

    One Feature of Vocational Education : Double-certificate Education

  24. 高职教育实施职业资格认证制度的理性思考

    Rational thinking on the implementation of vocational qualification certification system in higher vocational education

  25. 建立我国教育技术职业资格认证制度的初步思考

    Thoughts on the Development of the Career Certification System of Educational Technology in China

  26. 本科设计教育与职业意识培养

    Undergraduate Design Education and Professional Consciousness Cultivation

  27. 中国正在大力发展职业教育,职业教育也在经历着改革。

    China is vigorously developing vocational education , and vocational education itself is undergoing reformation .

  28. 加强学生素质教育成为职业教育发展的迫切要求。

    So it is an insistent request to strengthen quality-oriented education in the vocational schools .

  29. 及学生所陈述的教育和职业目标。

    And stated educational and career objectives .

  30. 素质教育与职业素质的培养&再谈高等职业教育的特性

    Quality education and the cultivation of professional quality & On the features of higher professional education