
jiào suō fàn
  • abettor;instigator;fagin;aider and abettor
教唆犯 [jiào suō fàn]
  • [fagin] 唆使别人犯罪的成年人;尤指唆使儿童盗窃的人

  1. 在刑法理论中,通常将教唆犯作为共犯的一种类型加以探究

    It is not a and differs from instigator in nature .

  2. 片面共犯的存在形式有片面教唆犯、片面帮助犯,片面实行犯要严格限定范围,片面组织犯不成立。

    One-sided accomplice exists in instigator 、 accessory and executor in some scope .

  3. 教唆犯自己不出头,专唆使青少年干坏事。

    Abettors of crime put youngsters up to all sorts of evil while staying in the background themselves .

  4. 在我国,教唆犯属于共同犯罪。

    In our country , the abettor belongs to joint crime .

  5. 三是严惩引诱、强迫未成年人失足的教唆犯;

    Third , punish instigators who lure and force minors to commit .

  6. 教唆犯中止是刑法理论中一个非常重要的问题。

    Abettor discontinuance is a very important theory question .

  7. 浅谈教唆犯的特殊形态

    A Brief Discussion on the Special Forms of Abettors

  8. 因此,在某种意义上,教唆犯是犯罪之病源。

    To some extent , a solicitation criminal is an origin of crime .

  9. 对我国传统教唆犯理论的质疑

    A Query on the Traditional Instigation Theory of China

  10. 以教唆犯的教唆方式为标准,将教唆犯分为直接教唆犯与间接教唆犯;

    Namely , direct instigator and indirect instigators ;

  11. 论教唆犯的未遂形态

    On the Uncompleted Pattern of Abet to r

  12. 教唆犯的成立要件中有必要予以特别说明的只是其客观方面与主观方面的要件。

    It is necessary to illustrate the subjective and objective aspects of instigation particularly .

  13. 论我国刑法中教唆犯性质之界定

    On the Definition of the Nature of Abettor in Criminal law of Our Country

  14. 试论共同教唆犯

    Shared Decision Making On Offense of Joint Solicitation

  15. 认为把教唆犯定成具体罪名的未遂来处罚更加科学。

    That the instigator set into concrete attempt to punish the offense is more scientific .

  16. 对共犯人的分类标准有两种:一是分工分类法,即按照共犯人在共同犯罪中的分工或行为的形式将共同犯罪人分为组织犯、实行犯、教唆犯与帮助犯。

    Joint offenders include two classification standards .

  17. 共同故意伤害的实行犯、教唆犯、帮助犯的实行过限分别承担不同责任。

    Different people play different role in the common crime , and undertake different responsibility .

  18. 坚持教唆犯独立性说是贯彻刑法个人责任的要求;

    To recognize the independence of instigation is required by the principle of personal responsibility ;

  19. 同时,在实践中,对于独立教唆犯的认罪问题和处罚问题,也存在着许多争议。

    Meanwhile , there is many a question on pleading guilty and punishment in practice .

  20. 在教唆犯犯罪论中,故意的双重地位仍有体现。

    In the crime theory of instigator , deliberate still " play double status " .

  21. 本文共分五大部分:第一部分是教唆犯的概念和成立条件。

    Contents of the first part are the concept and the establishment conditions of abettor .

  22. 独立教唆犯是教唆犯独立性与从属性辩证统一的产物。

    Independent instigator is the dialectical unity product of subordinate nature and independent nature of instigator .

  23. “腾格拉尔,那个教唆犯,就是那个罪名最重的人,他怎么样了?”

    " What has become of danglars , the instigator , and therefore the most guilty ?"

  24. 一个和蔼的教唆犯,窝藏这一窝少年窃贼,充当他的赃物的走私者。

    A kindly Fagin who harbors a nest of adolescent thieves as runners for his goods .

  25. 教唆犯分类论

    The Theory of Instigator Classification

  26. 在刑法理论界,关于教唆犯性质的争议颇大,理论学说众多。

    In criminal law theoretical circles , instigator of the nature of the dispute is rather high .

  27. 教唆犯的未遂是共同犯罪理论中最为复杂的问题之一,一向就有争论。

    Uncompleted pattern of abettor is one of the most complicated issues in the theory of complicity .

  28. 第二部分大陆法系有关教唆犯的共同犯罪理论。

    The second section is concerned with joint crime theory related to the instigator in Civil Law .

  29. 论教唆犯的处罚根据

    The foundation of instigator punishment

  30. 从教唆犯的未遂着手来看,一般的犯罪未遂与教唆未遂是有明显区别的。

    From the attempted instigator , the thesis analyzes the difference between general crime attempted and instigated attempted .