
  1. 高等教育中国家与市场的关系

    The State and the Market in Higher Education

  2. 整个考察的工作,定位为一种科学教育中国化的基础研究。

    The whole work want to be regarded as a foundational inquiry in Chinese science education .

  3. 中国表示,“愿与韩方密切配合”,并正在教育中国渔民不要越界捕鱼。

    China said it was " ready to work " with South Korea and was educating its fishermen not to cross the border .

  4. 与在座的许多记者一样,那些热情洋溢的年轻企业家给我留下了深刻印象,他们大谈怎样教育中国大众,怎样在内蒙建造风力涡轮机。

    Like many journalists in the room , I was impressed by these eager young entrepreneurs , with their talk of educating the Chinese masses or building wind turbines in Inner Mongolia .

  5. 结语按照是什么、为什么和如何做的思路,从实践特色、民族特色、时代特色这三个方面,展望了马克思主义思想政治教育中国化应该如何中国化的问题。

    Following the order of what , why and how , from the aspects of practical characteristics , national characteristics , era characteristics , the conclusion put forward prospective comments upon the problem of how to sinicize Marxist ideological and political education .

  6. MBA教育与中国企业职业经理人培养

    MBA education and cultivation of China 's professional managers

  7. 全面质量管理(TQM)普及教育在中国

    Popularization education of TQM in China

  8. MPA教育在中国的蓬勃发展,不仅使我们找到了一条培养适应时代要求的公共管理人才的有效途径,也为提升民族地区干部的素质与能力构筑了一个新的平台。

    MPA education in China is developing vigorously . It is not only an effective way to train public management talents to meet the needs of time but also a new platform for improving the quality of cadres of ethnic regions .

  9. 本文先探讨了环境教育在中国的现状。

    This paper examines the status of environmental education in China .

  10. 中国网络信息安全教育研究中国企业信息网络的安全探究

    Chinese Information Security Education Study on Security of Intranet in China

  11. 到1999年,九年制义务教育在中国已经普及。

    By1999 , nine-year compulsory education had been universal in china .

  12. 翻译教育在中国发展的时间并不长。

    Translation education development in China is not a long time .

  13. 教育在中国历史与文化中扮演着重要角色。

    Education plays an important role in Chinese history and culture .

  14. 然而双语教育在中国的发展并不平衡。

    Yet the development of primary bilingual education is not balanced .

  15. 社会教育传入中国考略

    A research on the introduction of " social education " into China

  16. 民族音乐教育在中国音乐教育中的意义

    The Meaning of the People 's Music Education in China

  17. 让生命与死亡教育走进中国课堂

    Let Education Regarding Life and Death enter Classroom in China

  18. 日本的高等教育与中国的高等教育具有很大的相似性。

    China and Japan share great similarities in higher education .

  19. 加拿大双语教育与中国双语教学的异同对比

    A Contrastive Study on the Canadian and Chinese Bilingual Education

  20. 洋务教育是中国教育近代化的开端,它对中国近代教育的发展有着深远的影响。

    Westernization education is the start-point of modernization of china 's education .

  21. 民国时期美育思想与明治后期以及大正时期学校音乐教育;中国抗日战争时期与日本明治后期国粹主义学校音乐教育;

    The period of China resist Japan and Japan Nazism Music education ;

  22. 教育是中国最大的优势、也是最大的劣势。

    Education is China 's greatest strength and greatest weakness .

  23. 新课程背景下的义务教育阶段中国画课程研究

    In Compulsory Education within the Context of New Curriculum Reforms

  24. 我们应该看到,双语教育在中国还处在一个实验的阶段。

    We should see that bilingual education is still in an experimental stage .

  25. 大学生素质教育与中国传统文化从《论语》谈提高大学生素质

    Quality education of college students and Chinese traditional culture

  26. 和谐性是当前体育教育改革中国家意志的集中体现。

    Harmony is the focus reflection of modern physical education 's national willpower .

  27. 主题:教育改变中国,创新塑造未来!

    Education changes China and I ovation forges future !

  28. 艺术设计教育与中国传统手工艺

    Art and Design Education and Chinese Traditional Crafts

  29. 晏阳初:平民教育从中国到世界的历程

    Yan Yan gchu : the Course of Mass Education From China to the World

  30. 试论将德育教育寓于中国近代史教学中

    Talking about Moral Education Involved in History Teaching