
  • 网络save the nation by education
  1. 20世纪初的10来年间,为了实现科学救国、教育救国的目的,国内翻译出版了大量中小学科学教科书。

    During some ten years at the beginning of the 20th century , a large number of foreign textbooks for middle and primary schools were translated into Chinese for the purpose of " save the nation by science " and " save the nation by education " .

  2. 陈时的教育救国思想及办学实践评析

    Assessment on Chen Shi 's Salvation Ideological Education and School Practice

  3. 马相伯教育救国的思想与活动

    Ma Χ iangbo 's Thought and Practice in Saving the Country by Education

  4. 主要是梳理了教育救国思想的发展脉络。

    Mainly combed the education to save the nation the thought development vein .

  5. 同时他又致力于实业救国和教育救国的理想。

    Meanwhile he devoted himself to his ideal of saving the country by enterprise and education .

  6. 但是,由于脱离不了教育救国论的藩篱,平民教育社最终走向衰落。

    However , Populace Education League eventually declined due to its narrow view of Education Saving the Nation .

  7. 我国近现代教育救国思想述评

    Comments and Enlightments on " the Thought of Saving the Nation through Education " in the Modern Times of China

  8. 因此,近代教育救国论基本上是与历史潮流发展相合的。

    It is therefore concluded that the save-the-country-by-promoting-education theory in modern Chinese history goes basically with the tide of historical development .

  9. 第五部分,晚清洋务派教育救国思想的评价。

    The fifth part , the latter Qing dynasty foreign affairs send the education to save the nation the thought appraisal .

  10. 进入近代,深重的民族危机引发了商人阶层教育救国的思潮。

    Up to modern society , grave national crisis cause the merchant class realized that the education can save the nation .

  11. 近代教育救国论述辩胡适论西方在华教会教育

    A Clarifying Approach to the save-the-Country-by-Promoting-Education Theory in Modern Chinese History Hu Shi 's Views on the Western Missionary Education in Modern Chinese History

  12. 其次,肯定了教育救国论及实用主义教育思想对中国教育界产生的积极影响和历史作用。

    Secondly , it affirms positive influence that his educational theory has produced an profound historical significance in the circle of education of modern China .

  13. 主要探讨晚清洋务派教育救国思想的研究意义和研究现状。

    The main discussion latter Qing dynasty foreign affairs send the education to save the nation the thought research significance and the research present situation .

  14. 他倡行的科学与人文并重的教育救国思想,既吸收了教会大学一些人文主义教育传统,又秉承了儒家人文教育精神,并赋予其时代内涵。

    His thought absorbed the tradition of Catholic Jesuitical humanism education as well as inherited the Confucianism humanities spirit , and gave it the ages content .

  15. 后又创办东、西文学堂进行具体的西学实践,实现其教育救国的梦想。

    Later , he had carried on the specific western education practice through founding Oriental and western literary schools , attempting to realize his dream of saving china .

  16. 不仅如此,他们还通过立报馆、办学堂、兴学会等方式把教育救国从理论转变为实践。

    In addition , they made the theory of saving nation by education into practice by means of establishing newspaper offices , setting up schools and encouraging institute .

  17. 这部分主要从四个方面对洋务派教育救国思想的内容和实践进行论述。

    This part mainly sends the education from four aspects to the foreign affairs to save the nation the thought content and the practice carries on the elaboration .

  18. 中国近代史中,各个时期都有重要人物关注教育救国问题,为发展教育做出努力。

    In China 's modern history , there appeared many important persons in different periods who paid much attention to China 's education and made great effort for it .

  19. 这部分主要是从洋务派教育救国思想的特点、意义和历史局限性三个方面论述。

    This part mainly is sends the education from the foreign affairs to save the nation the thought characteristic , the significance and the historical limitation three aspects elaborates .

  20. 他们在实施教育救国过程中尽管许多见解是一致的,但由于两人的生活背景不同,政治目标的追求也不同,这就构成了两人的差异。

    Although they shared many of the opinions , yet because they came from different backgrounds , they had different political aims and ambitions , therefore difference existed between them .

  21. 教育救国:陈嘉庚倾资兴学的思想动机振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响

    Develop Education to Save China : Tan Kah-kee s Main Objective for Setting Up Schools ; The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor

  22. 他早期主张教育救国,后来转向实业救国,但仍然注重教育对社会发展的作用而着力办学。

    He early advocates education saving the nation , then turns to industry saving the nation , but still pays attention to the role of education in social development and focuses on education .

  23. 作为中国近代教育救国论的主要代表,梁启超把兴女学作为改善社会和家庭的关键和突破口。

    As the main representative of saving China by education in modern age , Liang Qichao regarded the opening of the woman school as the key point and the breakout to improve the society and families .

  24. 他们不懂的实业救国,他们也不懂得教育救国,更不懂得依靠每个人的努力工作救国!

    They do not understand the industry for national salvation , they do not know how to save the education , but do not know how to rely on everyone to work hard for national salvation !

  25. 但是,经过勤工俭学的实践和斗争,他们中的大部分人最终抛弃了教育救国的幻想,逐渐接受并选择了马克思主义,并初步形成了马克思主义教育思想。

    However , through practice and struggling of the work-for-study , most of them abandoned the illusion that saved the nation of educating , finally accepted and chose Marxism gradually , and formed the educational thought of Marxism .

  26. 这项研究,对于世人了解中国知识分子在八年抗战期间的艰苦历程,弘扬献身科学、教育救国以及爱国主义精神,无疑有着积极意义。

    This study is helpful for people recognizing the hard situation of Chinese intellectual during the eight years wartime , and has positive signification for publicizing the spirit of devoting to science 、 education saving the nation and patriotism .

  27. 教育救国是卢作孚教育思想的核心,普及基础教育和教育教学改革实践是卢作孚教育思想的重要内容,它为推动近代中国教育现代化和当今教育事业的发展积累了可贵的历史经验。

    Publicity of basic education and practical reform of education and teaching make the main contents of his education thought . His theory has provided historically valuable experiences for the modernization and development of China 's modern and contemporary education .

  28. 故经济思想主要以孙中山、黄兴、蔡元培等从海外归来的人士的殖产兴业、实业救国、科学救国、教育救国等思想为主。

    Therefore , economic thoughts mainly referred to prospering industrial , saving the nation by developing industrial , science and education , which were proposed by people who were returning from overseas , such as Sun Zhongshan , Huang Xing and Cai Yuanpei .

  29. 在教育救国成为社会热点和朝野共识的背景下,教育改革与发展是影响社会变革的规模、速度和模式的基础性制约因素。

    With " saving the nation through education " as the hot social topic and common understanding of both the government and masses , educational reform and development have become the fundamental determining factors affecting the scale , speed and model of social changes .

  30. 第二、以教育为救国、为社会改造的基本方法。

    Secondly , take education as the method to save the social and social transformation .