
  • 网络triple-double;Triple Double
  1. 他创下NBA历史上最少上场时间获得30分外加三双的记录。

    He needed the least amount of playing time to record a 30-point triple-double in NBA history .

  2. 在NBA历史上,10场比赛内拿下场均30分大号三双场次,他排第五位。

    He 's the fifth player in NBA history to average a 30-point triple-double over any 10-game stretch .

  3. 他的全能可以从他生涯中的107次三双中得到证明,在NBA中排名第三。

    His versatility could be evidenced in his 107 career triple-doubles , good for third all-time in the NBA .

  4. 库里和格林成为在NBA季后赛历史上,第一次在同一场比赛当中取得三双的队友。

    Curry and Green became the first teammates in NBA postseason history to record a triple-double in the same game .

  5. 上赛季,拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克以他的方式拿得NBA历史三双和MVP奖。

    Last season , Russell Westbrook triple-doubled his way to NBA history and the MVP award .

  6. 这也使得他成为了NBA历史上唯一一个场均三双的球员,直到威斯布鲁克在本赛季完成了他的壮举。

    That made him the only player in NBA history to average a triple-double until Westbrook accomplished the feat this season .

  7. 1961-62赛季,奥斯卡-罗伯特森成为NBA历史上唯一一位创下整赛季场均三双的壮举。那个赛季他取得了41次三双,职业生涯一共181次获得三双。

    In 1961-62 , Oscar Robertson became the only player in NBA history to achieve the feat when he posted 41 of his record 181 triple-doubles .

  8. 在整个NBA的历史上,总决赛抢七战打出三双的情况,之前一共只出现过两次,分别是1969年的杰里-韦斯特和1988年的詹姆斯-沃西。而詹皇成为了历史第三人!

    He became the third player to record a triple-double in Game 7 of the Finals , joining Jerry Westin 1969 and James Worthy in ' 88 .

  9. 在已经过去的六月。他成为历史上第一个在总决赛场均三双的球员。上个赛季,勒布朗·詹姆斯第一次自2008年后排在MVP票选前三之外。

    Last season , LeBron James finished outside the top three in MVP voting for the first time since 2008 .

  10. 自1983年以来背靠背拿下场均35分外加三双的球员中排名第四,超越1960年奥斯卡·罗伯逊(OscarRobertson),成为最年轻的纪录保持者。

    He 's the fourth player since 1983 with back-to-back 35-point triple-doubles and the youngest to do it since Oscar Robertson in 1960 .

  11. 这个赛季,截止到4月4日(当地时间),NBA一共诞生了110次三双,大大超过了1988-89赛季的78次的三双纪录。

    This season alone , as of April 4 there were 110 triple-double games in the NBA , far surpassing the previous single-season record of 78 set in 1988-89 .

  12. 在上周六对阵波士顿凯尔特人队的比赛之前,13年了,没有一个球员在NBA拉斯维加斯夏季联赛的历史上有过三双的记录。

    No player had recorded a triple-double in the 13-year history of the NBA 's Las Vegas Summer League before Ball had one last Saturday against the Boston Celtics . Is Lonzo Next ?

  13. 威少翻开三双先生的历史性代表作这章时,你会悄悄地发现本届的MVP已经进入了他的第十个赛季。

    Turning the chapter on Mr. Triple-Double 's historic campaign , you 'll quietly stumble onto the fact that the reigning MVP is already entering his 10th season .

  14. 詹姆斯在克里夫兰骑士队夺冠一役中表现最为突出,打出“三双”,贡献27分、11个篮板和11次助攻,获得NBA总决赛“最有价值球员”的称号。

    James led Cleveland in the championship-clinching with a triple-double as he scored 27 points to go along with 11 rebounds and 11 assists en route to being named the Most Valuable Player of the NBA Finals .

  15. 骑士的勒布朗-詹姆斯曾经多次荣膺MVP,本赛季“只”打出了12次三双(截止4月4日)但是他所在的球队仍然是总冠军的有力争夺者。

    The Cleveland Cavaliers " LeBron James , a perennial MVP candidate , had 12 triple-doubles as of April 4 , but his team should contend for the NBA championship once again .

  16. 尽管如此,拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克当选MVP大多是基于他场均拿下三双的成绩这一事实,所以不要忽视投票者心目中基础数据的重要性。

    Still , Russell Westbrook 's win was mostly powered by the fact that he averaged a triple-double , so don 't overlook the importance of the basic numbers in the minds of voters .

  17. 两年前,哈登曾有很好的机会拿下MVP奖杯。但拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克书写了一个现象级的故事:在凯文-杜兰特离开后,他开启了自己的复仇之旅,成为了自奥斯卡-罗伯特森后第一个场均三双的球员。

    Two years ago , Harden had a strong MVP case , but Russell Westbrook had a phenomenal narrative : the first player to average a triple-double since Oscar Robertson while on a Kevin Durant-departure revenge tour .

  18. 这是教练和队员被问到威斯布鲁克在拿到100次三双路上,总会提到的高光时刻,这也让威斯布鲁克成为那个赛季MVP的唯一人选。

    It 's the highlight every teammate or coach references when asked about the best moments in his path to 100 , and it 's the one that ultimately slammed the door shut on Westbrook 's MVP campaign .

  19. 不过这一切随着周日晚上,在哈登拿下三双--38分、11个助攻、10个篮板,力压MVP候选竞争对手勒布朗·詹姆斯,带领火箭队以117比112击败克利夫兰骑士队之后,发生了改变。

    That changed on Sunday night when Harden had a triple-double of 38 points , 11 assists and 10 rebounds to outduel fellow MVP candidate LeBron James and lead the Rockets to a 117-112 win over the Cleveland Cavaliers .

  20. 鉴于哪怕他在拿下MVP年所引起的各种争议(场均三双,经常在电视直播上上演单骑救主的场面),很难想象他再次拿到了MVP。

    Given how divisive Westbrook was even in the year he won ( averaging a triple-double , and regularly breathing fire live on NBA TV and beating teams by himself ) , it 's hard to imagine he wins again .

  21. 这是本赛季中他获得的第五个三双,也是其职业生涯中的第15个三双。

    It was his fifth triple-double this season and career No.15 .

  22. 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克能以场均三双的数据结束本赛季吗?

    Can Russell Westbrook average a triple-double for a full season ?

  23. 可以请你给我三双这种袜子吗?

    Could you get me three pairs of these socks , please ?

  24. 你有三双鞋,有一双的鞋跟该换了。

    And you have three pairs , one needs a new heel .

  25. 我希望我能拿到他那样的三双。

    I wish I could have a triple-double like that .

  26. 你觉得他在下个赛季会平均三双么?

    Do you think he could average a triple double next year ?

  27. 我们男人大多只拥有三双鞋&这很好。

    Most guys own three pairs of shoes & tops .

  28. 本赛季至今,哈登已经有9次三双。

    James Harden has 9 triple-doubles so far this season .

  29. 凯文-杜兰特,关于拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克25分、20助攻、11篮板的三双。

    Kevin Durant , on Russell Westbrook 's 25-20-11 triple-double .

  30. 2016-17赛季之前,他整个生涯也才只有9次三双。

    He had 9 in his whole career before 2016-17 .