
sān bù zhān
  • air ball
  1. 沙克的罚球很烂,他也扣丢过,罚球三不沾,不能在禁区外投篮。

    Shaq was a shitty free throw shooter . He missed dunks , he airballed free throws , he couldn 't shoot outside the paint .

  2. 拉塞尔-维斯布鲁克在短时间内领到了两次技术犯规,在与裁判争论无果后被驱逐出场。他与裁判争论的点是他感觉马克-加索尔投出了三不沾,所以灰熊的进攻时间不该被调回24秒。

    Russell Westbrook was called for two quick technical fouls and ejected after arguing with officials over what he felt was an incorrect shot-clock reset on an air ball in the third quarter .

  3. 上赛季全联盟得分最高的球队之一的国王队,在痛苦的第三节接连投出三不沾和砸在篮板上沿。

    One of the NBA 's highest scoring teams last season , the Kings were throwing up air balls and bouncing shots off the top of the backboard during their abysmal third quarter .

  4. 而一些三分投篮甚至投出了三不沾。

    Some 3-point attempts were air-balls .