
  • 网络richardson;Jason Richardson;Kieran Richardson;Quentin Richardson
  1. 最后,理查德森将会被危险驾驶和驾车没有投保被起诉。

    Initially , Richardson was charged with reckless driving and ticketed for driving without insurance .

  2. 埃弗拉的到来还意味着奥谢以及理查德森将坐稳“冷板凳”。

    Evra 's arrival also means John O'Shea and Kieran Richardson will be shunted down the pecking order .

  3. 理查德森纪念馆将被认证为LEED铂金奖,这是能效建筑的最高奖项。

    It 's also going to be certified as LEED Platinum , the highest standard of energy efficiency .

  4. “很高兴我们能把理查德森带到桑德兰来,”基恩说。

    " I 'm delighted we 've been able to bring Kieran to sunderland ," keane said .

  5. 这样,实际上就把本次世锦赛最令人期待的一场比赛的胜利交到美国人詹森•理查德森的手上。

    This effectively handed over victory in one of the most anticipated races of the world championships to American Jason Richardson .

  6. 干脆、利落、迅捷,丝毫没有拖泥带水的痕迹,这是理查德森的扣篮。

    Clear-cut , agile , fast , there is not a messy trace at all , this is dunking shot of Richardson .

  7. 最后,美国运动员贾森•理查德森获得金牌,刘翔获得银牌,英国的安德鲁•特纳获得铜牌。

    Jason Richardson of the United States was awarded the gold medal with Liu getting silver . Britain 's Andy Turner won bronze .

  8. 指导老师艾梅.理查德森表示这种项目帮助首都华盛顿的人们处理漫长选举季所带来的压力。

    Instructor Aimee Richardson says the class is helping people in the nation 's capital deal with the stress of the long election season .

  9. 理查德森可能出战周三和达灵顿的友谊赛,他说这次转会是“令人激动的”。

    Richardson , who is expected to feature in sunderland 's friendly against Darlington on wednesday , described the move as " exciting " .

  10. 理查德森把独自旅行看作是一剂强心针,它使你得到释放,成为一个更加自信的人,从而准备好应对任何情况。

    Richardson describes traveling alone as like a shot in the arm , which unleashed a better more confident person that was ready to tackle anything .

  11. 虽然后卫理查德森则是因为背部拉伤过去两场比赛值得商榷周三,迈克尔比斯利加紧进攻。

    While guard Quentin Richardson has missed the past two games with a lower back strain and is questionable Wednesday , Michael Beasley has stepped up offensively .

  12. 沪江小编:奥巴马的特点是08候选人中少有的“乐观”,只有理查德森、罗姆尼和哈克比在笑容方面能得到同样的形容。

    True to his latest book title , The Audacity of Hope , Obama is the rare candidate running in '08 whose characteristic emotional state is upbeat .

  13. 理查德森的这种奇妙本领不仅仅对狮子奏效,对其它动物,比如猎豹、花豹甚至于土狼也是如此。

    His magic works not only work for lions but other animals such as cheetahs , leopards and even hyenas do not hold a threat against him .

  14. 这位前曼联助理教练还表扬了理查德森和福斯特,他认为这两位曼联小将前途无量。

    The former Old Trafford assistant manager also took time out to praise Kieran Richardson and Ben Foster , two young players who he feels have great futures .

  15. 早期的热电子发射-吸收式热电装置的热流可由理查德森公式来描述,但是遇到当今热门的小尺寸装置,它就不适用了。

    In early thermionic emission-absorption thermoelectric device , heat flow can be described by the Richardson formula , which is not applicable to the hot small-size devices nowadays .

  16. 根据《每日电讯报》的报道,理查德森是在去年开始指导这个年轻人的,在那之前,没有接受过正规训练的詹姆斯差点在澳大利亚的一项国家级赛事中赢得冠军。

    Richardson said he began working with the lad just last year , after James nearly won an Australian national championship without proper coaching , the Daily Telegraph notes .

  17. 奥运卫冕冠军阿里斯•梅里特和银牌获得者贾森•理查德森在110米栏中再次不分上下,这是最热切期待的上海站比赛之一。

    Reigning Olympic champion Aries Merritt and silver medalist Jason Richardson go head-to-head in the 110 hurdles again , one of the most hotly anticipated events of the Shanghai meeting .

  18. 美国同胞理查德森补充说:“这项比赛已经被带到了另一个水平,另一个地方,另一个时点,所以总是会有另一个跨栏运动员出现。”

    American compatriot Richardson added : " This event has been taken to another level , another place , another time , so there is always going to be another hurdler that emerges . "

  19. 理查德森和费尔顿赛前曾说他们在吃了早餐之后感到有些不适。不过很快就好了,他们说不会影响比赛的。

    Richardson and Felton said before the game that they got sick earlier in the day after eating breakfast , but it didn 't last long and both said they felt well enough to play .