
lǐ shi
  • director;member of a council;steward
理事 [lǐ shì]
  • (1) [member of a council]∶理事会的成员

  • (2) [steward]∶代表团体行使职权并处理事务的人员

理事[lǐ shi]
  1. “这些数字产品不只是学生提交作业的机制,它们还有各种特色,”美国出版商协会高等教育执行理事大卫·安德森告诉Buzzfeed新闻。

    These digital products aren 't just mechanisms for students to submit homework , they offer all kinds of features , David Anderson , the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers , told BuzzFeed News .

  2. 她是国立学校护士协会(NationalAssociationofSchoolNurses)的执行理事。

    She is the executive director of the National Association of School Nurses .

  3. 这一政策可能会使该国孤立于联合国安全理事会其他常任理事国之外。

    This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

  4. 九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。

    The number , office term appointment and dismission of member representatives , directors and supervisors .

  5. “在我们的视频公布之后你就禁赛了德·赖斯,”TMZ的一位记者几天前对全国橄榄球联盟理事长罗杰·古德尔质疑道。

    " You suspended Ray Rice after our video , " a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day .

  6. 这个问题暗示出一个好奇心更强的理事长应该会设法拿到录像。

    The implication of the question is that a more curious commissioner would have found a way to get the tape .

  7. 几年前,纽约公共图书馆(newyorkpubliclibrary)的理事们做出了一个勇敢的决定,该馆的建筑需要升级。

    A few years ago , the doughty trustees of the New York Public Library decided they needed an architectural upgrade .

  8. 没错,英国和法国拥有核武器,而且还是联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国。

    Britain and France may have the nuclear weapons and permanent membership of the UN Security Council .

  9. 爱德华裁判目前担任在GreatWestern梗犬协会的常务理事,是美国西部最主要的狗展。

    Judge Edwards currently serves on the Board of Great Western Terrier Association , which is the premier terrier show of the Western United States .

  10. 在就任美联储主席之前,他曾担任过美联储理事和白宫经济顾问委员会(whitehousecouncilofeconomicadvisors)主席。

    He served as a fed governor and chairman of the White House Council of economic advisors before becoming fed chief .

  11. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的理事们发布了一张他们在华盛顿召开会议期间的集体照。

    Governors of the International Monetary Fund posed for a group photo during their meeting in Washington .

  12. 新城市基金会(NewCitiesFoundation)常务理事马蒂厄•勒费夫尔(MathieuLefevre)提出了停车场在未来的另一可能用途:小型公园。

    Another potential future for parking spaces : mini-parks , says Mathieu Lefevre , executive director of the New Cities Foundation .

  13. 除了高中的时候当选班长、后来当选美国步枪协会(nationalrifleassociation)理事之外,诺奎斯特没有担任过任何选举产生的职务。

    Other than being voted class president at high school and to the board of the National Rifle Association , Mr Norquist has never held elected office .

  14. 弗里德兰德和斯科鲁帕,以及其他几位“为美国而教”的成员,是海伦娜一个叫“男孩与女孩俱乐部”(BoysandGirlsClub)的新组织的创立理事。

    Mr. Friedlander and Ms. Skorupa , with other Teach for America alumni , were founding board members of a new Boys and Girls Club in Helena .

  15. 俄罗斯建议召开一次会议,扩大在此次危机中斡旋的外部力量,而不仅限于联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)五个常任理事国。

    Russia has proposed a conference , which would broaden the group of outside powers involved in mediating the crisis beyond the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .

  16. 作为美联储(Fed)理事之一,格拉姆利克在2004年就公开警告了次贷激增的内在风险,这些贷款助长了房地产市场的繁荣。

    A governor of the US Federal Reserve , Gramlich warned publicly in 2004 of the risks inherent in the explosion of subprime lending that fuelled the housing boom .

  17. 总部位于加利福尼亚的政策及宣传组织力挺太阳能(VoteSolar)的执行理事亚当·布朗宁(AdamBrowning)说,夏威夷是一张来自未来的明信片。

    Hawaii is a postcard from the future , said Adam Browning , executive director of Vote Solar , a policy and advocacy group based in California .

  18. 英国耶路撒冷考古学院前理事约翰.威尔金森(johnwilkinson)最新的发现进一步证实了她的观点。

    Her argument is reinforced by the recent findings of John Wilkinson , a former director of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem .

  19. 他是前任美国全国牛头梗俱乐部的常务理事及GOLDENSTATE牛头梗俱乐部的会长,和BTCA福利救济基金会的常务理事。

    He is past President of the Golden State Bull Terrier Club and former board member of the national Bull Terrier Club of America , and of the BTCA Welfare Foundation .

  20. 当本·伯南克(BenBernanke)还是美联储理事而非主席时,他为了解释究竟发生了什么问题,提到了储蓄过剩的出现。

    In explaining what had happened , Ben Bernanke , when still a governor of the Federal Reserve rather than chairman , referred to the emergence of a savings glut .

  21. 弗吉尼亚州SaxonShoes老板、美国国家鞋类零售商协会(NationalShoeRetailersAssociation)理事加里•韦纳(GaryWeiner)表示,鞋类商店“非常担心”在实体店试穿、然后在网上购买的行为。

    Gary Weiner , owner of Saxon Shoes in Virginia and a board member of the National Shoe Retailers Association in the US , said shoe-sellers were " very concerned " about fit-lifting .

  22. 高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)的执行理事威尔·哈钦斯(WillHutchings)说,放在这个大环境中看,修建这个博物馆是“是很有远见的做法”。

    In this context , said Will Hutchings , an executive director at Goldman Sachs , the museum is " very long-term thinking . "

  23. 美联储前理事、MacroeconomicAdvisors现任副董事长劳伦斯梅尔(LaurenceMeyer)表示,伯南克的2002年论文是美联储的一张路线图。

    Laurence Meyer , a former Fed governor and now vice-chairman of Macroeconomic Advisors , says that the 2002 paper has been a roadmap for the Fed .

  24. 尽管海地仍然处于优先地位,UNICEF副常务理事HildeJohnson告诉VOA,仍有许多其他紧急事务是非常关键的,必须予以解决。

    While Haiti remains a , UNICEF Deputy Executive Director , Hilde Johnson tells VOA there are many other emergencies that are critical and must be addressed .

  25. 德国央行行长延斯魏德曼(jensweidmann)在该理事会的投票中只有一票,与其他所有理事一样。

    Jens weidmann , Bundesbank president , has only one vote the same as all other council members .

  26. 伯纳德•凡•利尔基金会的临时执行理事迈克尔•费格尔森(MichaelFeigelson)认为,我们必须要让参与育儿的父亲感到这很有男子气概,千万不能将这股风气贬低为男性的失败或被驯服。

    We have to make co-parenting dads feel manly , argues Michael Feigelson , interim executive director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation . We mustn 't present the new fatherhood as a defeat or taming of men .

  27. 霍金斯是北卡州考德威尔伙伴计划(CaldwellFellowsprogram)的名誉理事,同时也是威廉姆斯的朋友。

    " With Jeff , what you see is what you get ," says Gerald Hawkins , director emeritus of the Caldwell Fellows program at North Carolina State and a friend of Williams 's.

  28. 该协会的执行理事约翰•康奈尔(JohnCannell)表示,我建议人们既服用维生素D又注射流感疫苗,以做到全面预防。

    ' I recommend vitamin D and a flu shot to cover all your bases , 'says the council 's executive director John Cannell .

  29. 国际航标协会(IALA)第37届理事会议概况

    General Introduction of the 37th IALA Council Meeting

  30. 与杜克一样,伦敦商学院于去年推出了MiM项目。项目执行理事朱莉娅马什(JuliaMarsh)表示,他们对该产品有着非常明确的认识。

    Like Duke , LBS launched its MiM in 2009 , and there is a very clear understanding of the product , says Julia Marsh , executive director of the programme .