
  • 网络Ideal body weight;Ideal Weight;IBW;BMI
  1. 医生已经给她提供了如何达到理想体重的建议。

    The doctor has offered her advice on how to reach an ideal weight .

  2. 应用生物电阻抗法测定体脂含量,其肥胖检出率明显低于按理想体重法和体质指数(BMI)法的检出率。

    Diagnosing obesity with BI , the positive rate was significantly lower than that with ideal weight method or body mass index method .

  3. 通过戒烟、降低到理想体重、规律的需氧锻炼、药物治疗,能绝对或相对的升高HDL-c浓度,降低冠心病的发病率。

    In terms of elevating HDL cholesterol , cessation of cigarette smoking , reduction to ideal body weight , and regular aerobic exercise all appear important , medications treatment , decrease incidence of coronary heart disease .

  4. 假如达到理想体重后,就可以用这个方法再来一遍。

    The doctor gave me advice on how to reach my ideal weight .

  5. 最棒的是,她能够维持她的理想体重。

    Best of all , she was able to stay at her ideal weight .

  6. 专家警告不运动是危险的即使是对那些有达到理想体重的人。

    Experts warned inactivity is dangerous even in those who are a healthy weight .

  7. 你的理想体重是?

    What is your ideal body weight ?

  8. 根据《中国成年人体质测定标准指南》,查出相应年龄身高段病人的健康时理想体重(IBW1)。

    Ideal body weight ( IBW 1 ) was produced from China Adult Constitute Standard Guide .

  9. 我的理想体重是多少?

    What is my ideal weight ?

  10. 3.2运动员的体重控制:运动员体重基本控制在理想体重范围内。

    3.2 Athletes ' body weight controls : Athlete weight controled in the ideal weight scope .

  11. 如果一个人的体重超过理想体重的20%,就可以认为是肥胖。

    If a person 's weight is 20 % or more above their ideal body weight , they are considered obese .

  12. 她说,遗传、新陈代谢、荷尔蒙分泌以及生理因素对于成功地长期保持理想体重都是潜在的绊脚石。

    She says that genetics , metabolism , hormones and physiological factors act as potential stumbling blocks to successful long-term weight management .

  13. 那表格制订得如此详细,我花了好长时间才把它填完。我已经达到理想体重了!

    It was so detailed and took so long that by the time I 'd filled it out , I had reached my ideal weight !

  14. 目的观察理想体重指数和体质指数评价营养状况的差异性和相关性,以便更好地进行营养评价。

    ObjectiveWe observed the relevance and difference between ideal body mass index and body mass index for assessing nutritional status in order to make better nutritional assessment .

  15. 假如你明明一边在节食,一边又在锻炼,却总达不到理想体重的话,那下面这些内容对你应该会有帮助。

    If you have been dieting and exercising but seem to be stuck with unsatisfying results , taking these factors into consideration may be just what you need .

  16. 监控期体脂%整体呈下降趋势。3.2运动员的体重控制:运动员体重基本控制在理想体重范围内。

    Assumes the drop tendency in the monitoring time body fat % whole . 3.2 Athletes ' body weight controls : Athlete weight controled in the ideal weight scope .

  17. 营养支持组治疗后理想体重百分数、白蛋白、淋巴细胞总数明显上升(P<0.01)。

    In nutritional supplementation group , the proportion of patients with ideal body weight , serum albumin level and total lymphocyte count increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 阐述摔跤、举重、散手等重竞技项目运动员慢性控重的原理、方法,即确定理想体重、适当控制饮食、加大运动量、充分的整理活动、确定减重的时间及速度;

    It expounded the principles and methods of chronic weight control of athletes going in for the sports graded by body weight , such as wrestling , weight-lifting , Sanshou etc.

  19. 你会相信的,散发达到理想体重自动意味着你你的健康而你达到理想体重,无所谓。

    The infomercials would have you believe that reaching your ideal weight automatically means that you are healthy , and that how you reach that ideal weight doesn 't really matter .

  20. 我已经努力对这个想法采用了其“改编后”的版本:对身体健康、没痛处、另外和理想体重也很接近这些方面更加地感激。

    I 've tried to adopt a modified version of this , by trying to feel more grateful for being healthy , pain-free , and pretty darn close to my ideal weight .

  21. 虽然有部分健康专家承认人与人之间存在着遗传和代谢水平的差异,致使某些人比其他人更容易长胖,但最广为传播的公共卫生信息却是:任何人都可以通过节食和经常运动来达到理想体重。

    While some health experts acknowledge that individual genetic and metabolic differences mean that some people are more prone to gaining weight than others , the most widely disseminated public health message is that anyone can achieve a desirable weight by eating less and exercising regularly .

  22. 早在1978年,美国经历石油危机之时,《美国公共健康杂志》的一项研究就显示,如果美国从18岁到79岁的所有超重人口都保持理想体重,那么由此节省下来的能源相当于13亿加仑汽油。

    In 1978 , a year the United States experienced an oil shock , a study in the American Journal of Public Health showed that if all overweight people in the country aged 18 to 79 reached their optimal weight , the resulting energy savings would equal 1.3 billion gallons of gasoline .

  23. 通过你的BMI,常识和医生的建议来决定你理想的体重是多少,你应该增加或减少多少重量。

    Decide your ideal weight and determine how much weight you would like to gain or lose , using the BMI , common sense , and your doctor 's advice .

  24. 一个利物浦人最理想的体重是多少?

    Q : What is the ideal weight of a Scouser ?

  25. 我现在比我的理想的体重还多几磅。

    I 'm still several pounds above my ideal weight .

  26. 3.理想的体重

    Step 3 Decide your ideal weight

  27. 当你达到理想的体重之后,培养健康的饮食和体育活动习惯,保持稳定的体重。

    Develop healthy eating and physical activity habits to maintain a stable weight when you have achieved your ideal weight .

  28. 保证每晚8小时的睡眠,你就会拥有健康的肌肤,充沛的活力,和理想的体重!

    Shoot for eight hours ofsleep each night and you 're more likely to achieve great skin , great productivity and a great weight !

  29. 5043%的减肥学生和5272%的未减肥学生认为BMI<185为理想的体重;

    50 43 % of weight reducing and 52 72 % of non reducing weight students thought that BMI < 18 5 was the ideal weight .

  30. 报告建议大多数美国人把活动提高到一个适当的程度并且要改变对食物的选择和卡洛里的摄入以保持理想的体重。

    The report recommends that most Americans increase physical activity to a moderate level and make changes in food choices and calories intake to maintain ideal weight .