
  • 网络three generations
  1. 这部戏表现了三代人之间的矛盾冲突。

    The play represents the collision of three generations .

  2. 李家是个大家庭,有三代人同堂。

    The LIS are a big family with three generations living together .

  3. 如今,这三代人都认为这一举措取得了成功,使他们的关系比在不同城市时更为密切。

    Today all three generations regard the move to a success , giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities .

  4. 作为得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的第三代人,米尔德里德•加尔扎从不乐意搬走,甚至当她的女儿和儿子要求她搬到圣安东尼奥帮助他们的孩子时,她也礼貌地拒绝了。

    As a third-generation native of Brownsville , Texas , Mildred Garza never pleased move away , Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help their children , she politely refused .

  5. 孔子的弟子着急地问道:“老虎伤害了你家三代人的性命,你为什么不早点儿离开这里,搬到别处去呢?”

    Confucius ' disciple3 asked worriedly : " The tiger harmed the lives of three generations of your family . Why didn 't you leave this place earlier and move to somewhere else ? "

  6. 当被问及感染的事情时,蔡尧84岁的丈夫布隆恩(PrumEm)眼神空洞而不解。他家三代人中都有成员感染上HIV。

    Prum Em , Ms. Yao 's 84-year-old husband , stares with blank incomprehension when asked about the infections , which struck across three generations .

  7. 名为先锋救护车(MidwoodAmbulance)的这个家族企业,在拉皮萨尔达家传承了三代人,在这期间,布鲁克兰南区变了,从历史上以犹太人和意大利人为主变成了中国人的天下。

    During the three generations of Rapisardas who have run the family business , Midwood Ambulance , the south Brooklyn area has changed , from historically Jewish and Italian to largely Chinese .

  8. 你们家在三代人里就有八对双胞胎。

    Your family had eight sets of twins over three generations .

  9. 三代人都出席了家庭聚会。

    All three generations were present at the family party .

  10. 建造这座大寺院花了三代人的时间。

    It took three generations to build the great temple .

  11. 同时运用相关及多元回归分析的方法,对影响三代人养老方式行为选择的因素加以考察,探讨影响不同年龄段养老方式选择的微观因素;

    Then it analyses the micro-influential factors of action choice of different generations .

  12. 几乎并不需要三代人就酿成了这种神化现象;

    It takes scarcely three generations for the apotheosis .

  13. 东方之路&三代人的水墨实验精神

    A Oriental Path-The Experimental Spirit of Three Generations

  14. 他们的女儿露丝是第三代人。

    Their daughter Ruth is the third generation .

  15. 我家三代人住在一起。

    Three generations live in our house .

  16. 《吉尔莫女孩》讲述的关于三代人之间的家庭矛盾的故事。

    《 Gilmore girls 》 tells a story about some family conflict among three generations .

  17. 从葡萄树到酒瓶,这种酒总共要经历三代人才能完成。

    It takes three generations for the cognac to make it from vine to bottle .

  18. 在第三代人之中,三分之一的西班牙女性都会与没有西班牙血统的人结婚。

    By the third generation , one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics .

  19. 要用两代人、三代人、甚至四代人来实现这个目标。

    It may take two , three or even four generations to reach this goal .

  20. 我追溯到三代人。

    I went back three generations .

  21. 三代人在一起生活。

    Three generations are living together .

  22. 这个家族的三代人都是在这个老房子里出生和成长的。

    Three generations of the family have been born and brought up in this old house .

  23. 在这百年之中正好囊括了20世纪中国文化承递者三代人的韶华岁月。

    In the hundred years of20th century Chinese just include bearing the cultural recursive three generations may years .

  24. 我突然想起家中没有人。我家三代人住在一起。

    It struck me that there was no one at home . Three generations live in our house .

  25. 三代人群体的生活方式、道德观念与教育处境的差别在生活中被逐渐放大。

    Three life styles of crowd bodies , moral concept and education circumstances be gradually enlarged in the life .

  26. 孔子的弟子着急地问道:“老虎伤害了你家三代人的性命。

    Confucius ' disciple asked worriedly : " The tiger harmed the lives of three generations of your family .

  27. 分别对贫困家庭中三代人之间的教育状况、职业状况、经济状况、居住状况进行了详细的描述。

    And describe conditions of education , occupation , living and income of three generations among the impoverished families .

  28. 更可喜的是,第三代人生活在那里,他们的旗帜依旧飞扬。

    and once more , we have the third generation of that family on that land with their flag still flying .

  29. 辉煌·挣扎·溃败&试论福克纳笔下大家族中三代人的发展变化

    Brilliance · Struggling · Rout : on the Theory of the Style of the Three Generations of Aristocrats by William Faulkner

  30. 经济学家一般通过考察两、三代人的财富、就业和教育程度来追踪社会流动性。

    Economists have generally tracked mobility by looking at surveys on wealth , jobs and educational attainment over two or three generations .