
  • 网络deliberative teaching;seminar teaching;seminar-style teaching
  1. 研讨式教学从本质上讲是建构主义学习理论在语文课堂教学中的应用,是研究性学习理念在语文课堂教学中的体现。

    Essentially , deliberative teaching is the practice of Constructionism study theory in Chinese classroom teaching .

  2. 在我国高等教育中研讨式教学对于大学生学习与学术能力的培养具有十分重要的意义,而对比较文学课程教学来说,尤其具有特殊的针对性。

    The deliberative teaching plays an important role in college students'learning and the cultivation of their academic competence , in particular to comparative literature teaching and learning .

  3. 管理类学科研讨式教学模式研究

    Research on Teaching Mode of Studying and Discussing for Managing Course

  4. 物理化学研讨式教学的个案价值

    Individual Value of Teaching in the Discussion Way in Physical Chemistry

  5. 关于研讨式教学的哲学话语

    An Philosophic Analysis of the Study - - discuss Teaching Pattern

  6. 论研讨式教学的评价模式

    On the Assessment Pattern for Research - And - Discussion Teaching

  7. 第四章是研讨式教学的评价体系。

    Chapter four expatiates the evaluative system of discussion way of teaching .

  8. 研讨式教学的人本理念论文本中心批评范式

    The Humanization Concept on the Research-discussion Teaching The Paradigm of Text-centered Criticism

  9. 让研讨式教学焕发出更强的生命力

    Let Teaching in Style of Studying and Discussing Radiates Its Greater Vitality

  10. 群体研讨式教学法的实践与理论探讨

    Practice and Theory of the Teaching Method of Colony Researching in Higher Education

  11. 走向研讨式教学的十六要素

    Sixteen Key Elements for the Success of the Study & discuss Teaching Pattern

  12. 研讨式教学法探微

    A Research on Discussing Teaching and Studying Method

  13. 论研讨式教学法在人类学教学中的应用

    The Application of Deliberative Pedagogy in Anthropology Teaching

  14. 研讨式教学在历史学科中的运用

    The Application fo the Study & discuss Teaching Pattern in the Subject of History

  15. 论研讨式教学对大学生健康人格的培养

    On the Function of Studying & Discussing Teaching to the College Students ' Healthy Personality

  16. 研讨式教学与大学生科研能力培养

    Class Discussion Teaching Methodology and Development of College Students ' Ability To Do Scientific Research

  17. 实施研讨式教学的原则主要有课题的设计原则和教学原则两部分组成。

    The principle includes two main parts : the designation of research problem and teaching .

  18. 而研讨式教学是体现现代教育理念的一种有效途径。

    The discussion way of teaching is the efficient channel to reflect the modern educational concept .

  19. 高等师范院校物理教育专业实施研讨式教学的研究

    A Research on Implementation of Discussion Way of Teaching in Physics major Curriculum Teaching in Normal University

  20. 前言部分首先介绍了论文的研究背景与研究的意义和价值,其次对国内外理科师范教育教学的趋势和研究现状进行了详细的阐述,提出在物理专业课教学中实施研讨式教学的改革思路。

    The preface gives a general introduction of the background significance and the aim of this paper .

  21. 研讨式教学是创新教育的一个典型范例。

    The Research-and-Discussion Teaching is a representative example of the creative education . demonstration of a model .

  22. 对研讨式教学与提高学生综合能力的断想

    Thoughts on the Relation between the Discussion Way of Teaching and the Promotion of Students ' Comprehensive Abilities

  23. 第二章探讨了物理专业课教学实施研讨式教学的程序和原则。

    Chapter two probes into the procedure and the principle in the implementation of discussion way of teaching .

  24. 研讨式教学的评价模式是深受学生欢迎的崭新的教学评价模式。

    The assessment pattern for research-and-discussion teaching is a new assessment pattern which is well received by students .

  25. 研讨式教学把科研与教学结合起来,重能力培养和方法传授。

    Class discussion teaching methodology combines teaching and research and emphasizes the fostering of abilities and teaching of methods .

  26. 在大学生中实施课堂研讨式教学改革,是贯彻我国高等教育实现厚基础、宽口径教学培养模式转变的需要。

    Putting into effect teaching reform of classroom deliberates in undergraduate students is the needs of transformation of cultivate model .

  27. 研讨式教学法是一种新的教学方法和教学模式,在以培养应用型人才为主要任务的高职院里实行教学方法的改革是非常必要的。

    Discussing-type teaching mode is a new teaching method and it is very necessary to apply it in higher vocational college .

  28. 研讨式教学的实施程序包括准备阶段、学习与研究阶段、研究成果展示阶段、评价与总结阶段这四个步骤。

    The procedure involves four steps : preparative step study and research step revelation of the research production step and evaluate step .

  29. 通过研讨式教学,使学生对知识的理解更加深入,同时也提高了科研能力,获取一些科研创见。

    This teaching way can make students comprehend knowledge more deeply , improve their scientific research ability and gain some original scientific research ideas .

  30. 在大学生《思想道德修养》课中实施研讨式教学达到了知识、能力、素质全面提高的目的。

    The application of class discussion teaching methodology in teaching " moral training " can achieve the improvement of knowledge , ability and quality .