
yán jiū duì xiànɡ
  • Research object;object of study;research target
  1. 本文以K融资担保公司的担保业务为研究对象。

    Based on the K Guarantee corporation financing guarantee business as the object of study .

  2. 本文的研究对象为某公司自行开发的某种多CCD大幅面扫描仪。

    In this paper , the object of study is multi-CCD large format scanner designed by a company .

  3. 要求研究对象按改进的食谱进食。

    Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet .

  4. 未来的人类学不会以原始人为主要的研究对象。

    The Anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives .

  5. 在一项实验中,将近200名研究对象登上了参观费城的双层巴士。

    In one experiment , nearly 200 participants boarded a double-decker bus for a tour of Philadelphia .

  6. 即使像参观考古博物馆这么枯燥的事情也是如此,在参观榑物馆时,研究对象被要求戴上眼球追踪镜,并被告知拍照或不拍照。

    It works for things as boring as archaeologicalmuseums , where people were given eye-tracking glasses and instructed either to take photos or not .

  7. 索尔特豪斯说:“通过对研究对象长时间的跟踪观察,我们深入了解了脑部认知的变化,并可能发现减缓衰退速度的方法。”

    " By following individuals over time , " Salthouse said , " we gain insight in cognition changes , and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline . "

  8. 研究对象会被询问是否被诊断出患有中风、痴呆或高血压等疾病,以及三个月内的任务完成能力是否有所下降。

    People are asked whether they have been diagnosed with diseases like stroke , dementia , or hypertension and whether abilities to carry out tasks over three months had decreased .

  9. 所有研究对象均作MRI检查。

    All subjects were examined by MRI .

  10. 方法:以40例健康成人RBC、32只sD大鼠RBC为研究对象,进行体外溶血试验;

    Methods : 40 human normal RBC samples and 32 male SD rat RBC were studied .

  11. 并以碘离子为研究对象,系统地探讨和研究了阴离子交换纤维吸附碘离子的最佳条件参数如离子浓度、时间、pH值等。

    The optimum conditions of the anion-exchange fiber absorb the iodine ion , such as ion density , time , the pH value were studied .

  12. 方法收集我院经手术与病理证实的胆囊癌和慢性胆囊炎各30例为研究对象,分析两者在螺旋CT双期扫描的征象和强化特点。

    Methods The two-phase spiral CT manifestations of 30 cases of gallbladder carcinoma , proved by surgery and pathology , and 30 cases of chronic cholecystitis were analyzed .

  13. 研究对象46例(84眼)LASIK术后屈光回退患者。

    Participants 46 patients ( 84 eyes ) of refractive retrograde after LASIK .

  14. 研究对象BN大鼠。精蛋白与男性不育

    Participants Brown Norway ( BN ) rats . A study on protamine and male infertility

  15. 干预:所有研究对象均按指导语填写临床症状自评量表(SCL-90),评定近1周来患者的心身健康状况。

    Instructive language to evaluate the physical and mental health of the patient within one week .

  16. 对于白噪声干扰情况,利用线性Kalman滤波器估计系统状态,以水翼艇为研究对象进行了仿真。

    Using linear Kalman filter to estimate system states with white-noise interference , for submerged Hydrofoil Craft , a mathematical simulation was conducted .

  17. 以独立分量分析(ICA)技术作为主要研究对象,对基于独立分量分析的定点算法进行了详细的分析和推理。

    It is the technique of Independent Component Analysis ( ICA ) that be mainly researched in the paper .

  18. 以黄河水体沉积物为研究对象,探讨了氨基甲酸酯类农药灭多威在沉积物上的吸附特性,同时还研究了pH值和离子强度等因素对吸附的影响。

    The characteristic of adsorption of methomyl on Yellow River 's sediments and the influence of some factors , such as pH value and ionic strength on the adsorption investigated .

  19. 文中主要以DC-DC变换器为研究对象,对电力电子变换器混沌现象的基本类型进行分析和综合,由此展望对电力电子变换器混沌研究的发展和未来应用的前景。

    Finally , the development and applications in the future of the chaotic phenomenon of power converters are forecasted .

  20. 方法采用自身注射前后对照方法,对符合纳入标准的研究对象分别经静脉注入稀释的全氟丙烷人血白蛋白微球注射剂0.01ml/kg,由A和B研究者分别独立进行给药前、后造影效果评判比较。

    Methods Diluted perfluoropropane-albumin microsphere injection was given intravenously to permitted objects at a dose of 0.01 ml / kg . Observers A and observers B evaluated the contrast effect respectively by self-comparison between pre-injection and post-injection .

  21. 用主成分分析法选取了最能代表西湖水质状况的7号点(湖心)作为研究对象,并用该方法筛选了部分水质参数,作为BP网络的输入变量。

    Selecting spot 7 which can most represent the water quality status of it as study object and filtrating the water quality parameters as the inputs for network by principal component analysis .

  22. 以水处理常规工艺为研究对象,通过小试及中试研究,证明水处理常规工艺能去除原水中约2/3的CODmn,认为强化常规工艺是不容忽视的除污染途径之一;

    Conventional techniques of water treatment can get rid of about two thirds of organic pollutants from raw water , and strengthened conventional techniques are important ways to remove pollutants .

  23. 方法:研究对象为接受体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的患者,共20个治疗周期。

    Methods : We studied 20 controlled ovarian superovulation cycles of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer ( IVF ET ) patients .

  24. 我们以人类组织相容性复合体(MHC)、21和22号染色体最长的contig为研究对象。

    The human MHC sequence and the longest contigs of human chromosomes 21 and 22 are used as examples .

  25. 以电厂中的含砷废水为研究对象,考察了pH值、沉降时间、投加量、铁铝硅摩尔比对聚硅酸硫酸铁铝混凝处理含砷废水的影响。

    The disposal of arsenic wastewater in the power plant is studied . The effect of pH , settling time , dosage and molar ratio on polysilicate ferric aluminum sulfate ( PSFAS ) for disposal of arsenic wastewater is investigated .

  26. 以三自由度平面机器人为研究对象,采用DSP图像处理系统,并将FCMAC控制方法应用到基于图像的机器人视觉伺服系统中。

    An introduction is provided for the image-based visual servo system of three-dof planar robot combined with DSP image processing system and FCMAC control method .

  27. 方法设置3组研究对象,分别是G6PD正常组和G6PD缺乏无急性溶血组;

    Methods Three groups were designed , including control group , G6PD deficiency group with acute hemolysis and G6PD deficiency group with non-acute hemolysis .

  28. 以埋弧焊送丝系统为研究对象,用模糊控制器取代传统的基于系统模型的经典PI(D)调节器,设计了一种新型的模糊控制送丝系统。

    A new type of wire feed system of submerged arc welding ( SAW ) based on fuzzy logic control ( FLC ) is proposed , which replaces the conventional PI ( D ) controller .

  29. 以含有多馈入直流系统的互联电网为研究对象,采用近似线性化的方法得到整个系统模型,设计了线性最优控制(LQR)直流电流调制控制器。

    Based on approximately linearized system model , a linear quadratic regulator ( LQR ) DC current modulation controller for multi-infeed HVDC system is presented .

  30. 同时,以低频外电场作用下改进的HH模型为研究对象,理论分析、数值计算和仿真相结合,分析其分岔的现象;

    At the same time , we took improved HH model as study object and after theoretical analyse and simulation we analyze its phenomenon ;