
  • 网络mental defective;mental defect;psychological defects;psychological deficiencies;psychological impairment
  1. 转型期青少年心理缺陷及其调适

    Psychological Defects of Juvenile in Period of Transformation and its Control

  2. 青少年发展中的心理缺陷探析

    On Psychological Defects of the Juveniles in the Process of Their Growth

  3. 轻度心理缺陷的许多病例都是由社会剥夺引起的。

    Many cases of mild mental handicap are caused by social deprivation .

  4. 缓解期精神分裂症患者心理缺陷感的调查及护理对策

    Investigation on feeling inadequacy of schizophrenic inpatients in remission and nursing countermeasures

  5. 国际心理缺陷科学研究协会

    International Association on the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency

  6. 论绑架犯罪心理缺陷

    On mentally defective in the crime of kidnapping

  7. 结论:药物滥用者有个性心理缺陷和行为模式的改变。

    Conclusion : There are changes in psychological deficiency and behavior model of drug addicts .

  8. 青少年发展过程中的心理缺陷是影响教育效果的重要因素。

    The psychological defects of the juveniles in the process of their growth serve as important factors that will influence the effects .

  9. 如今,一些雇主以及保险商正在测试如何对此类心理缺陷进行干预,鼓励人们做出更加健康的选择。

    Now , some employers and insurers are testing ways to harness such psychological pitfalls to get people to make healthier choices .

  10. 就其消极作用结合独生子女人格发展的心理缺陷,从家庭教育的关系、目标、内容、环境、方式等方面做详细分析。

    This paper analyses relationship , purpose , content , environment and ways of family education , related to psychological defect of the only child .

  11. 慧灵的目标是,通过对有生理和心理缺陷的人士进行训练和康复,帮助他们完全发挥出自己的潜能并积极地贡献社会。

    Through training and rehabilitation , Hui Ling aims to help people with physical and mental disabilities reach their full potential and contribute to society in an active way .

  12. 转型期青少年种种心理缺陷愈显突出,其现状不容乐观,已成为当今社会问题之一并被教育界所普遍关注和高度重视。

    The psychological defect of juvenile in the period of transformation , being increasingly outstanding , has become one of the social issues that has drawn much attention in educational circles .

  13. 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚也没男朋友,怀疑她们有心理缺陷,尽管她们确实是人才。

    In interviewing , when they are asked whether they are married or not , they tell the interviewer the fact that they haven 't married or haven 't had a boyfriend .

  14. 然而,由于残疾人生理和心理缺陷造成信息收集与知识学习方面的困难,其必影响残疾人的学习,就业,影响社会稳定与和谐。

    However , physical and mental defects cause that the handicapped have difficult in collecting information and learning knowledge . It must impact on their study , employment , social stability and harmony .

  15. 为了克服这一心理缺陷,他用一整年的时间一遍遍地重复同一个简单的动作——连续两个小时站立不动,一言不发。

    To overcome that psychological shortcoming , he , for one year , practiced only one simple posture over and over - standing still , making no single moves , saying no single words for two consecutive hours .

  16. 音乐教育因其特殊功能,在视力残疾的恢复中起着巨大的作用,可以对视力残疾者生理缺陷和心理缺陷两方面起到补偿和矫正的作用。

    Because of its special function , the music education plays an enormous role in the recovery with disabled eyesight . It can play a compensating and correcting role in two respects of their physiological defect and psychological defect .

  17. 道德情感主义的确避免了道德理性主义忽视道德心理的缺陷。

    Moral sentimentalism indeed avoids the defect that moral rationalism ignores moral psychology .

  18. 对当代心理治疗理论缺陷的认识

    Cognition of the defect of theory for contemporary psychotherapy

  19. 单亲家庭极易给孩子造成强烈的自卑感,形成一系列心理上的缺陷。

    Single-parent families can easily give a sense of inferiority to their children and forming a series of psychological defects .

  20. (九)青少年犯罪原因:1.主观原因:青少年身心发展特点和自身存在的心理及人格缺陷。

    Subjective reasons : physical and mental development of young people and their own characteristics of the psychological and personality defects .

  21. 由于特殊儿童有着生理上或心理上的缺陷,对他们的学校教育更需要家长的积极参与。

    Due to the physical or psychological impairments on the part of exceptional children , their school education needs more participation of parents .

  22. 结果表明,自闭症的心理推测能力缺陷可能与右侧眶额皮质、左内侧前额皮质及包括杏仁核在内的内侧颞叶等脑区的损伤有关;

    It is suggested that the impairment of theory of mind may associate with the impairment of right orbito-frontal cortex , left medial prefrontal cortex and medial temporal areas including amygdala ;

  23. 而在这颗心里,却是在没有病的人走了以后,才把这些模型铸出来和保存下来,因为这都是一些女朋友的模型——她们在生理上和心理上的缺陷都在这儿保存了下来。

    but here they were retained and guarded in the heart while the sound persons went away . They were , namely , casts of female friends , whose bodily or mental deformities were here most faithfully preserved .

  24. 他们当中,有30%的人没能在正常年龄结婚是因为存在生理或心理方面的缺陷,另外还有30%的人是在等待自己的梦中情人的出现。

    About 30 percent of them couldn 't get married at the socially accepted marriageable age because of physiological or psychological defects , with another 30 percent having failed because they kept waiting for their " dream partners . "

  25. 部分女运动员存在着某些心理问题和人格缺陷。

    Some of the athletes have certain mental problems and personality defaults .

  26. 结论:酒依赖患者存在心理防御机制的缺陷,应付心理压力及挫折的能力较差。

    Conclusion : Alcoholics have deficit in psychological defence mechanism and worse ability to cope with stress or frustration .

  27. 结论··:海洛因依赖者存在心理防御机制的缺陷,应付心理压力及挫折的能力较差,并且躯体依赖对海洛因依赖者的心理防御机制影响较小。

    Conclusion : Heroin addicts have mature mental defence mechanism defect and lack of the ability of dealing with mental pressure and bearing setbacks . And psychical dependence has comparatively less influence on heroin addicts ' mental defence mechanism .

  28. 结论:银屑病患者心理健康状况较差,心理防御方式存在缺陷。

    Conclusion : The patients with psoriasis had bad mental health health and defects in psychology defense mechanism .

  29. 结果Logistic逐步回归分析发现心理防御方式、人格、社会支持等心理因素的缺陷是消化性溃疡发病的危险因素。

    Results The results of Logistic Regression Statistics showed that the default of psychological defense styles , personality , social support system and so on were risk factors of peptic ulcer .