
  • 网络Zineb;dithane
  1. 在碱性条件下,N-溴代丁二酰亚胺(NBS)直接氧化代森锌产生强烈的化学发光信号,结合流动注射技术,建立了测定杀菌剂代森锌含量的流动注射化学发光分析法。

    N-bromosuccinimide ( NBS ) was used to oxidize zineb under basic conditions , producing a strong chemi - luminescence signal . Combining flow injection technology , a flow injection chemiluminescence method was established for quantitative analysis of zineb fungicide .

  2. 贮存18个月后,代森锌含量降低4.928.8%,代森锰锌含量则降低3062%。

    After 18 month storage , the concentrations of Zineb and Mancozeb in their formulations decreased by 4.9-28.8 % and 30-62 % , respectively .

  3. 65%代森锌可湿性粉剂防治芦笋茎枯病的田间药效试验

    Control Effect of 65 % Amobam WP on Asparagus Stem Blight

  4. 代森锌在芦笋及土壤中的残留分析方法及消解动态

    Residue Analysis and Degradation of Zineb in Asparagus and Soil

  5. 通过室内和田间药剂筛选,明确了多菌灵和代森锌是防治北沙参锈病的有效药剂,粉锈宁对北沙参锈病无效;

    The laboratory and field tests indicated that carbendazim and zineb are fungicides effective in controlling the disease , while triadimefon is not effective .

  6. 利用65%代森锌可湿性粉剂防治芦笋茎枯病,通过两年试验,结果表明该药剂对芦笋茎枯病有较好的防治效果。

    Applying 65 % amobam WP control asparagus stem blight . The results of two years'trial showed that the 65 % amobam has good effectiveness to control asparagus stem bright .