
jìn zhǒng
  • seed soaking;soaking seed;soaking of seeds;presoaking;steeping
浸种 [jìn zhǒng]
  • [seed soaking] 处理农作物的一种方法。为了使种子发芽快,在播种前用温水或冷水浸一定时间。用一定温度的水浸种还有预防某些病害的作用

浸种[jìn zhǒng]
  1. 控制系统的软件部分采用单片机C语言编写水稻浸种催芽温室控制系统主体程序,给出了程序流程图和水稻浸种催芽温室控制系统的设计思想和操作步骤。

    The software of the controlling system applies single chip microcomputer C language in compiling the main program of controlling system of the greenhouse for rice presoaking and germination and shows the program flow diagram and design concept and the operating procedure of the controlling system .

  2. 浸种型的RPA使小麦发芽率提高13.3%~23.3%,苗高增长5.1~7.5cm,根长增加0.6~1.8cm;

    Presoaking wheat seeds in RPA , the germination rate increased 13.3 % ~ 23.3 % , height of seedlings growth increased 5.1 ~ 7.5 cm , length of root increased 0.6 ~ 1.8 cm .

  3. 维生素C浸种对盐胁迫下紫花苜蓿种子发芽特性的影响

    Effects of Vitamin C Soaking on Germination of Alfalfa Seeds under Different Salinity Stress

  4. MET玉米浸种剂的增产效果研究

    Effect of met maize seed-soaking agent upon yield increase in Maize

  5. 应用改良浸种法将外源DNA导入大豆的遗传育种效应研究

    Genetic and Breeding Effects of Introduction of Exogenous DNA into Soybeans by Improved Seed-Soaking Method

  6. 进行了不同pH值的尿素溶液水稻浸种试验。

    The experiment of seed soaking in urea solutions with different pH was conducted .

  7. MET玉米浸种剂浸种时间与种子活力的关系

    Effect of met maize seed soaking agent on seed vigor in different soaking time

  8. 抑制剂A与B分别设4种浓度,对水稻进行了浸种发芽试验。

    The seeds of the above-stated rice genotypes were pre-soaked and germinated in inhibitors A and B at four concentrations .

  9. R型浸种剂对水稻的增产效应及其机理的研究

    The studies of R types seed soaking agent of yield effect of the rice and its mechanism

  10. MET玉米浸种剂的作用机理&Ⅰ.浸种过程中渗出物的变化情况

    Effect Mechanism of MET Maize seed Soaking Agent & ⅰ Change of oozing matter in Soaking Process

  11. H2O2浸种对提高陈年种子发芽率的研究

    A Study on the Increase in Germination Percentage of Old Seeds Soaked in H_2O_2 Solution

  12. 钼肥浸种对鲜食油菜生长、Vc含量及全氮含量的影响

    Effect of ammonium molybdate to rape growth , Vitamin-C content and total nitrogen content

  13. 洗衣粉和高pH缓冲液浸种对黄瓜子叶离体培养物花芽分化的影响

    Effect of seeds pretreated with detergent and high pH buffer on the floral differentiation in cucumber cotyledons cultured in vitro

  14. NaCl胁迫下水杨酸浸种对水稻幼苗生长的影响

    Effect of Seed Soaking in SA to Rice Seedling under NaCl Coercion

  15. PEG浸种处理提高烟草种子活力的效应

    The Effects on Increasing Seed Vigor of Tobacco by PEG

  16. 除EM原液外,各种浓度的EM稀释液浸种都能不同程度提高a-淀粉酶活性和CAT活性。

    All concentration enhanced the activities of a-amylase and CAT except original EM solution .

  17. PP(333)浸种对油菜幼苗抗寒性的生理效应

    Physiological effect of pp_ ( 333 ) with different concentrations upon cold resistance of rape seedlings

  18. 试验设置五组处理:①CK(H2O浸种+块根膨大期喷施H2O);

    The study designed five treatments . ① CK ( soaking with H2O + spraying with H2O );

  19. 并提出了催芽时间可较清水对照浸种适当推迟1~2d的建议。

    Germination time may be delayed to 1 ~ 2d , comparatively the treatment with clean water .

  20. V(B6)浸种对棉花抗盐性的影响

    Influence of Soaking Seed with Vitamin-B _6 on Cotton Anti-salinity

  21. 浸种时间对豌豆芽苗菜产量及蛋白质和Vc含量的影响

    Effects of Soaking Time on Yield and Contents of Protein and Vitamin C of Pea Bud Seedling Vegetable

  22. 脯氨酸浸种对NaCl胁迫下玉米种子萌发和幼苗生长的效应

    Effect of Seed Soaked with Proline on Seed Germination and Seedling Growing of Corn Under NaCl-Stress

  23. PVA处理烟草种子,以4%和6%浓度的PVA溶液浸种3d较好;

    Tobacco seed soaked with 4 % or 6 % of PVA solution for 3 days showed better effect .

  24. ABA浸种对水稻幼苗生理及产量性状的影响

    Influence of Seed Soaking with ABA on the Physiological and Yield-Contributing Traits of Rice Seedlings

  25. 试验表明:HA浸种可以改善水稻幼苗根系吸收水分和养分的能力。

    The experiment shows : HA-soaking can improve the ability of rice seeding root system to absorb water and nutrition .

  26. 植物源浸种剂SNⅠ在冬麦上的增产使用效果研究

    A Study of the Plant Preparation of SN ⅰ Seed-soaking Reagent on the Soaking-application Efficiency to Wheat

  27. 甜菜种子浸种24h,种子发芽快,发芽率高达94.3%。

    While sugar seed soaking for 24 hours , seed germination percentage was highest 94.3 % .

  28. 以150μg·mL-1赤霉素变温浸种处理种子,可提高种子发芽率。据此建立了龙胆种子催芽技术和羧甲基纤维素悬浮液播种技术。

    The seeds treated with GA3 solution of 150 μ g · mL-1 could increase the germination percentage .

  29. 结果表明:FA旱地龙浸种处理能提高在渗透胁迫下种子的发芽指数与活力指数;

    The results showed the index of seed germination and simplified vigor was improved with FA soaking treatment ;

  30. 利用浸种法将大豆DNA导入糯玉米12-9-10使其产生变异,获得优良变异株(D0代)。

    The superior character mutant strain of Do generation was gained from the method of seed-immersion that introduced the total DNA of soybean into waxy corn 12-9-10 self-lines emerged mutagenesis .