
  • 网络Elisha
  1. 以利沙问她说,我可以为你作什么呢?

    Elisha replied to her , 'How can I help you ?

  2. 以利沙,难道没有犹太麻疯病人吗?

    Elisha also , weren 't there many Jewish lepers Elisha ?

  3. 以利沙吩咐仆人基哈西说,你叫这书念妇人来。

    And he said to Gehazi his servant , Call this Shunammite .

  4. 以利沙说,射箭吧。

    ' Shoot ! 'Elisha said , and he shot .

  5. 主人问他说,以利沙对你说什么。

    When Ben-Hadad asked , 'What did Elisha say to you ? '

  6. 以利沙说,将你儿子抱起来。

    When she came , he said , 'Take your son . '

  7. 以利沙对仆人说,究竟当为她作什么呢?

    What can be done for her ? 'Elisha asked .

  8. 我相信以利沙一定给年老的以利亚带来许多鼓励。

    Elisha must 've brought much encouragement to old Elijah .

  9. 以利沙说、你们不必打发人去。

    But he said , do not send them .

  10. 他就取了来。以利沙说,打地吧。

    Elisha told him , 'Strike the ground . '

  11. 以利沙又来到吉甲,那地正有饥荒。

    Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in that region .

  12. 于是以利沙起身、随著他去了。

    So he got up and went with her .

  13. 」和华就照以利沙的话,使他们的眼目昏迷。

    And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha .

  14. ??小朋友们,你觉得他们有没有真的尊敬以利沙为神的仆人呢?

    Do you think they really respected Elisha as a man of God ?

  15. 于是以利沙把自己的衣服撕为两片。

    Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart .

  16. 以利沙说,再叫她来。

    Then Elisha said , 'Call her . '

  17. 以利沙又说,取几枝箭来。

    Then he said , 'Take the arrows , 'and the king took them .

  18. 于是,妇人离开以利沙去了,关上门,自己和儿子在里面。

    She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons .

  19. 以利沙就跟随以利亚,象儿子和仆人一样地服侍他。

    Elisha followed Elijah and became like a son and a servant to Elijah .

  20. 他就是以利沙的仆人基哈西。

    It was Gehazi , Elisha 's servant .

  21. 我们知道那俩只熊没有伤害以利沙,因为他继续往前走。

    Evidently the bears did not harm Elisha for he continued on his way .

  22. 以利沙从伯特利上迦密山,又从迦密山回到撒玛利亚。

    And he went on to mount Carmel and from there returned to samaria .

  23. 乃缦坚持送,但以利沙仍然拒绝。

    Naaman insisted , but Elisha still refused .

  24. 以利沙对他说,你取弓箭来。王就取了弓箭来。

    Elisha said ," Get a bow and some arrows ," and he did so .

  25. 以利沙捡起他的衣服,回去站在约但河边。

    Elisha picked up the mantle and walked to the edge of the Jordan River .

  26. 我们相信这些人一定受过以利亚和以利沙的训练。

    No doubt these were some of the men that Elijah and Elisha had trained .

  27. 以利沙就让王送乃缦到他那里。

    Elisha sent a messenger to the king that he should send Naaman to him .

  28. 年轻的以利沙从以利亚那里学到了很多关于信靠神的事情。

    The younger man Elisha learned so many things about trusting God from old Elijah .

  29. 当以利沙听到一瓶油的时候,或许他的心里就亮起来了!

    " Perhaps Elisha 's face lit up as she said ," A pot of oil .

  30. 以利沙祷告说,耶和华阿,求你开这少年人的眼目,使他能看见。

    And Elisha prayed , 'O Lord , open his eyes so he may see . '